Students of DeSales University all understand the struggles of Bethlehem parties. Whether it's the lacrosse house, track house, baseball house, or dance house, they are all the same with the same people.
1. Who lives here?
You never really know who actually lives in the house you're at. You're at the baseball house? There are most likely two baseball players, one basketball player, and two non-athletes that live there, but its still the baseball house.
2. Why is it so hot in here?
You can only stay down in the basement of a Bethlehem house for so long before you sweat through your clothes. That's why doing rounds from outside to the basement is your only option for surviving.
3. I need to get in the bathroom, but it's locked like always.
If you're brave enough to venture up stairs to the only, disgusting bathroom in the whole house, either the line will make you turn around and just hold it or the bathrooms locked to keep everyone out.
4. Cops are here...
...but they're really not. At least once a party, usually before 12:30 am, someone that lives in the house will yell cops are here just to try and get everyone to leave.
5. The theme was supposed to be tight and bright? I wore all black. I'm glad no one followed the theme.
The only people who really ever follow the "theme" are freshman or the people that live there.
6. I've never seen half these people, must be freshman, or Lehigh kids.
Freshman tend to all go out to the parties, every weekend, by the time you're an upperclassman it seems more pleasing to go to the bars or stay-in in sweatpants and drink. Occasionally, our parties will get the stray Lehigh crowd that has either accidentally walked into the wrong house or they think our parties are just fun, which usually isn't the case.
7. How does one get down the stairs when there's 100 people on them?
Bethlehem houses were not designed to hold as many people as we try to shove in them. The basements are overly packed and there is no possible room to breathe or move.
8. Need a ride home? Not a problem. Jump in a car. You're bound to know at least one person.
DeSales is so great because when the cops do come and there is a panic to get home, you can jump in anyone's car and it's likely you will know more than one person in that car.
9. Wow. We've been here almost two hours. That's a record.
The parties start at 11 and end before 1 am. Classic DeSales.
10. Screw this. To the Ho!
When you're 21 you have the luxury to walk into the house, do one lap, say hi to some people, and walk right out the door, down the street to the Ho.
One party a weekend at one of the same three houses, with the same people. Classic DeSales.