Wait....what do you mean I'm already half done with college? Junior year and the struggle is real! I was a freshman yesterday. When did these four semesters pass me by and why am I already 20 years old? College is supposed to be the best years of our life so we got to live it up. The only problem is, adulthood is two years away. Then what? I guess it's time to get myself together and get prepared for the real world. I know all Juniors in college can relate to my anxiety. You are not alone..we are all freaking out.
1. Looking at old photos from freshman year like
Back when all my classes were prerequisites and I could afford going out every night...oh the memories.
2. Going out and feeling like the oldest kid at the bar
I don't recognize any of you children....shouldn't you all be in bed by now?
3. Having anxiety about graduating on time
So many credits to cover...so little time...Help!
4. Whatever I'm never leaving this place!
I guess is worst comes to worst I can just party for another year and avoid adulting!
5. No resume, no problem?
Wait....what do you mean I need to get an internship? By the way, what is an internship?
6. But how does one even start a resume?
*Googles how to write a resume but gets side tracked because someone commented on profile picture*
7. At least I can worry about that after I go abroad right?
Amsterdam first.....real life later!
8. *Test tomorrow but goes out anyways because there's only 2 more years of college*
I know this test is ten percent of my grade but there's free drinks and free cover at the bar tonight so ill just save ten dollars instead!
9. When your professor won't help you because "You're a junior, you should know by now."
Me: My web courses won't let me log in, what should I do?
Professor: Google it.
10. But hey at least we aren't seniors yet!
We have 365 days until we really have to worry! Live it up fellow Juniors!