Working in customer service can be great, but it's also the biggest pain at times. Even if you once loved it, we all know you’ll eventually hate it at one time or another. Here are 10 thoughts that every server has had at one point. I feel for you all, but know that we are in this together.
1) “I want to leave but the tips won’t let me.”
Sometimes we can become slave to our tips and we have finally accepted that reality.
2) “This is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. (Two years later) Why am I still here?”
I swear it is like they put a curse on this job. You go in thinking it is just temporary and end up wondering what you have been doing with your life. It’s cool, don’t worry we’ll get em’ next year.
3) “(At the bank) I would like to make a deposit…I know what this looks like but I am not a stripper.”
Come on we’ve all been there. You go to the bank but the ATM line is too long so you are forced to go inside. Yes, the judgment is on their faces but just don’t make eye contact with them.
4) “If you have to ask if we are closed my answer is yes...always yes”
If we are closing soon please don’t be “that person." Go get McDonald's.
5) “If you aren’t going to tip, don’t sit in my section.”
We all know those regulars that come in, but they never tip anyone. You secretly hope they don’t sit in your section.
6) “I’m sorry ma’am but I am going to need you to tell your child to stop throwing food on the ground unless you are going to pick it up yourself.”
Being a server gives you a whole new perspective on bad parenting. But it is okay guys because that means one day we can make sure we are not that parent.
7) “Your jokes aren’t funny but I am laughing anyway hoping that it’ll make you tip me more.”
We all do it, don't be ashamed. They'll never know.
8) “Who stole my tip?”
At one time or another we have all experienced our tip being stolen, but we have also experienced that “salty” moment of wanting to convince yourself that someone stole your tip... but they just didn’t leave you one. So then instead of showing your feelings of betrayal, you act like it doesn’t phase you.
9) “Oh the kitchen made a mistake…can I eat it?”
This is probably the best thing that has happened to you all day and that is perfectly okay.
10) “9:59... I am going to wait another minute before I clock out”
You know... because that minute is going to make or break your paycheck.
We all have these moments as servers, but we know we wouldn't trade our job for anything else in the world.