Spring break. This particular week can make even the most experienced spring breaker tired. Seven days of food, sun, sand, sunscreen, questionable ideas, and best friends makes for some pretty great memories. I may be tired while returning from spring break, but I can assure you the sass has not gone anywhere. Here are 10 thoughts I had when returning from spring break.
Let's play a game: how many Vera Bradley duffle bags can I spot between this parking lot and the entrance to EV?
Next week's game will definitely be all about counting the pairs of Chubbies.
Are pledges still a thing? If so, can they unpack my bags for me?
I wonder what my professors did on spring break besides not grade the test I took four weeks ago.
How many happy hours did I miss this week?
At some point, I will hit the gym so I can prove those wrong who thought I was only there for that spring break body.
I better start studying again or my future will be just as dark as this tan.
Can I wear a tank top and bathing suit to class? Nike shorts just don't sound comfortable anymore.
If I thought he was hot before, he can only look hotter with that tan he'll now have.
I know I've already posted an Insta pic, but this one is so cute. Is a double post too much?
Until next time, spring break.