I chose, perhaps, the worst year to study abroad. Not because of my age, or anything, but because it's an election year. My first election year. And, even though I've already sent my ballot in, I still feel like I'm watching my country crumble from halfway across the world. It's a terrible feeling, and what's even more terrible is the fact that I feel like everyone in Rome who finds out I'm American is secretly judging me for what my country has become. So, without further adieu, here are my thoughts on the election, from Italy.
1. Can Kate McKinnon and Alec Baldwin be the actual candidates?
Seriously. Life would be so much better.
2. Shouldn't you need to pass a test to vote?
I don't know if I feel comfortable letting you decide the leader of the free world if you can't spell "immigrant."
3. Can I move here?
I mean, Matteo Renzi isn't perfect, but SWEET JESUS.
4. Do Trump supporters realize he probably won't even win?
It's like 7% at this point, guys.
5. Can't Obama just like, stay for a little bit, until we figure this one out?
Enough said.
7. If anyone in politics would be a lizard person, I feel like it's Hillary.
I don't know what it is about her. She's just pretty lizard-y, in my opinion.
8. My debate knowledge has literally been gathered by SNL.
JFRC isn't even offering debate watches anymore. Which is probably a good thing.
9. Ok, but Putin is gonna nuke us now that Trump said they weren't best friends.
THANKS TRUMP. He's now SADimir Putin.
10. America, I still love you.
I'm just disappointed.