Becoming a teacher turns us into balls of stress. While it is the most rewarding job, the process of getting that license LOVES to try and knock us down. However, what is important is our ability to get back up. Why? Because teaching is our passion. We are all here learning to be the best teachers possible. But here is a look into our thought process in the meantime.
When you alarm goes off before anyone else's on campus:
When you not only have 5,827 lesson plans to write, but another 5,827 assignments for your classes:
When your students draw you yet another masterpiece:
When you hit that mental breakdown wall:
When you doubt your ability to have the future of America in your hands:
When you get your hands on new school supplies:
When you realize no one truly gets you like other future teachers:
When you finally make it home after a long day at school:
When you realize you have the best career ahead of you:
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