Everyone hates being sick, but its a special kind of hell if you've ever contracted the influenza virus. Not only do you have to deal with the constant stuffy nose, sore throat and cough that sounds like you're hacking up a lung... you're also throwing up everything you try to eat. Being out of commission for a week is no fun, but we've all been through it at least once. Here are some thoughts everyone has had if they've ever gotten the flu:
1. Maybe It's Just A Cold
When first contracting the symptoms, you always have a little hope that its just a cold...but deep down you know you're screwed once you first feel the body aches and chills.
2. Should I Call Into Work?
You need the hours but you don't want to get everyone else at work sick too...is it a thing for people to call in sick for the flu or am I just being a baby?
3. That Was Gross
You're going to find yourself saying this a lot through the course of your sickness because there are a lot of gross things that are going to come out of your body.
4. Why Is It So Cold?
Pile on those blankets
5. Why Is It So Hot?
There is going to be a lot of temperature confusion going on.
6. Did I Leave The Vapor Rub Downstairs?
Shit, I did....but do I really want to leave the comfort of my bed? is it worth it?
7. NEED More Tissues.
You probably have a nice garbage bin filled with tissues next to your bed by now...good thing mom bought you that 5 pack of tissues last time you were home
8. I Need A Butler
Having to do things yourself sucks, but having to do it while you're sick is even worse...especially when everything aches and you can't eat one meal without barfing it all up. A butler named Ceemore would be great right now.
9. What Do I Eat?
You've tried every soup you have and saltines have become your main staple but toast is what hits the spot...even though you can't even keep that down. You find yourself wishing you appreciated that pizza you ate a few days ago.
10. When Will This End
Even though its been only a few days, it feels like eternity and nothing seems to be working...maybe you'll be sick for forever...