It's time of year again, people! The wreaths are hung, the tree is decorated, and the finals week stress is building and building until it will explode into the obliteration of our insanity. Sounds fun, right? No?
Well, here are 10 thoughts that every college student has about this time of year that might just get you through it anyway:
1. "OK, me. Let's go. FOCUS."
If you're like me (which, let's just assume you are, OK?), then you probably need a teeny, TINY jam session with your favorite pump-up music to help you get ready to study. Or, in my case, procrastinate. But that's beside the point. So grab your textbook, your headphones, and your musical player of choice, and let's get this not-so-festive party started.
2. "What are my other options?" (Besides actually studying, that is.)
You've studied. You have. But let's get real here. You can't spend ALL your time this week hitting the books, right? So, here's a nice little incentive for the professor who decided to curve your test just a little more for the class for which you studied just a little less. Bribery IS the highest form of flattery, after all.
3. "FOOD."
Need a study break after you've finally broken down and procrastinated long enough already? Course ya do. We all do! So, put down the notecards and grab a snack. Or, if you're feeling super adventurous, use some of those last, precious dining dollars and do something we all need sometimes: TREAT YO SELF.
4. "You Can Do It!"
Well, it's about that time. No, not your time. But when the hour has arrived for your study buddy to venture off on his or her own and take his or her own final? You decide to be a great friend and instill nothing but confidence!
5. "Christmas is coming." *wipes tear*
OK, maybe you SHOULDN'T have done an all-nighter two days before your first test. But what's the big deal, right? Christmas is coming. Time to buckle down and finish this thing!
I don't. Pssh. Finals? What finals? Education? What education? FUTURE? WHAT FUTURE? *has mental breakdown while in fetal position*
7. When the innocent high school tour groups look at you in all your exam-cramming glory:
"No, little Jimmy. Stressed out college students are very fragile creatures. We can look, but we cannot touch."
8. Your response to their gaping stares because you know you're about to ace this thing anyway:
9. Uniting in relieved solidarity with the rest of your class after you've finally finished the one test you thought you couldn't get through:
"Cheers, to the end of this semester and the beginning of the rest of our college careers!"
10. And finally -- FINALLY -- CHRISTMAS BREAK!
"Santa (and pie), HERE I COME!"