1. Wow I'm hungry
Every class we get lost in our thoughts instead of the lecture, and somehow we always end up thinking about food. Even if you literally JUST ate you know you're trying to figure out how long until you get hungry or what you're going to eat, where you're going to, what snacks you wish you had. If you don't think about food at least once a lecture are you really a student?
2. What is going on
So, after you try to focus back on the lecture you're practically lost. Whats going on? What is this crazy professor talking about? Since when are we talking about this? And if this is a math class its even worse, because then you've no idea where/how they moved all these magical numbers and letters around and made some sense of it.
3. I wonder what the homework is like
Then when you realize that you're lost, you start to wonder about how you're going to do the homework. When you're going to do it, which friends you want to work on it with, if you'll attend tutoring for it. Then you start imagining the amount of pain that you will be put in while going through this homework, and how you should prepare for it.
4. Now you start wondering about the next test
Now that you know the topic makes no sense, and that the homework is going to be hard, and now it hits you that you'll be test over this material. So then you might try to remember or scoure through your syllabus to find the exam date. THEN, you discover that its coming up VERY soon and realize that you're not prepared at all, and need to get your shit together.
5. Now you're scared for the test, and start thinking about your grade in the class
So, now you're at that point when you start to think about the grades you should make and start getting motivated to do better and start studying as hard you can. You start calculating roughly in your head what you need to get an A, and chuckle to yourself because its something like a 105.
6. Now since you think you might not do well in the class you start thinking about your GPA
Now, you're thinking about the letter grade you need to keep your GPA stable so you can get into any of your post-graduate programs. Once you hit this step you start over reacting, maybe even contemplate pulling out the online GPA calculator we've all seen.
Then you calm yourself down because you realize that there are curves and that most of the people in your class are in the same boat as you. Then you say to yourself "nah they have to curve bro theres no way."
8. Then you start to think about the weekend
Whats going on this weekend? Big game, concert, get together, party, OR MAYBE A WEEKEND FILLED WITH STUDYING! You remember you're a college student, but more importantly a responsible adult, so you venture out and create your study plans. (For a lot of you its the other way around)
9. How does that kid know everything? Smart ass
Then you look over at the kid answering every single question and wonder what it must be like to be the smartest person in the class. How do they know all this information? No one may ever know. You quickly figure out that THATS the kid that makes a 100 on the tests, THATS the kid who ruins the curves. ITS THAT KID.
10. Damn, look at the time
Now you realize that even though you've gone through this much thought process, its only been 20 minutes and 30 seconds. So, that means you have about 30 minutes and 30 seconds left, maybe 29 minutes if the prof finishes early. You calculate how fast you could get out of class, and how free you will when you're out.
Okay, so maybe I'm the only one who goes through this thought process? But I highly doubt it, because we all go through the same thing, so I'm sure we all think the same things. Have fun in class kids, pay attention!