In high school, you dread summer being over, but once you go to college, that quickly changes. When college students go home for the summer, there are many thoughts that go through their minds in the short period of three months. Here are what college students are thinking when they go home for the summer.
1. This is the most boring town ever. How do people choose to live here?
2. Why didn't I stay in (insert college town) instead and of coming home?
3. I want to go on an adventure to a different state or something.
4. I think I can go visit this weekend and this one, I'll just go back every weekend.
5. I have absolutely nothing to do.
6. I'm so lonely without my friends.
7. Look at how much fun they're having! I want to have fun.
8. Where are my friends from high school? They were smart not to come home.
9. Next year, I'm staying there over the summer.
10. Is summer over yet?
Let's just say we go through many levels of emotions when we go home for summer. Now, we don't want to go back to college for the classes, we just miss all of our friends and having something to do. Is it time to move back yet?