How is it already December? Why are finals in the next few weeks? Why isn't Christmas already here? Is there any chance of a snow day?
Finals week is on the horizon, and if you're anything like me, you're starting to freak out a little. Here are some thoughts every college student has during finals time:
1. "When did we learn this?"
2. "We never learned this!"
When in doubt, blame your professor.
3. "Dress well test well!"
4. " When did I last sleep?"
5. "How much coffee can I consume in 24 hours and still be okay?
6. "I'm dropping out of college."
7. "I really should have paid attention in class. Or gone to class for that matter..."
8. "What grade do I need on this final to pass?"
If it is 100%, I am praying for you.
9. "How am I supposed to be in the Christmas spirit with exams coming up?"
10. "I am literally over this."
Happy finals, and may the curve be ever in your favor!