As finals week comes to a close at colleges across the country, here's a few thoughts all students have after their last final is over and they head home for the summer.
1. I'm going to sleep for the next four months.
After being sleep deprived for about seven months straight, we're ready for a nice, long, and uninterrupted nap.
2. I knew nothing on that exam, but now it's summer!
We've all been there. Everyone has one final that makes no sense. Even though you prepared the entire semester, the final seems to be in a foreign language and there really wasn't anything you could have done differently to prepare for it. The best you can do is shrug it off and keep moving. After you cry for a few hours and watch some Netflix, everything is okay.
3. Let's go get some comfort food.
To celebrate the end of your finals splurge on comfort food. Forget about the calories, the stress you've felt for the past few weeks, your GPA and eat something that makes you happy before your grades are posted.
4. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do without my roommates.
After a semester with your roommates acting as your therapist, it's going to be weird to go back home and live by yourself. You may have recently remembered that you won't see your roommates much over the summer too, and that's horribly sad.
5. How am I going to feed myself without the cafeteria?
As much as we all know college cafeterias aren't the best, we also know that having to feed yourself sucks. We look forward to mom's cooking, but if she doesn't cook then it's actually a struggle to make food for yourself.
6. What the heck am I going to do with my life for the next four months?
When you go away for college, it's weird having to find something to occupy you when you come home for four months. Whether you get a job or start watching a new Netflix series, not having college deadlines looming over you is a brand new and glorious feeling.
7. I have no friends.
When you make it back home and you don't have your friends a few miles away, it's quite upsetting.
8. Wait a second. I have to ask my parents before I leave AND tell them where I'm going?
After living on your own and making your every day decisions without consulting with anyone but your roommates, it's difficult to get back in the habit of asking your parents before you do something.
9. I should really work out now that I have free time, but I won't.
We all know that during exam week, we splurged and ate way too much junk food. We told ourselves that we'd workout next week so the second doughnut, Starbucks Frappuccino or Cook Out milkshake was perfectly okay. But when it's time to make good on the promise to yourself, working out is the last thing on your "to-do" list.
Bro Tip: Eating Celery is actually a workout.
10. I am ready to go back.
Once you sleep off your "no-sleep-hangover" and you no longer miss your family, you're ready go back to school. Your home town is no longer home, and you're more than ready to see your friends again. You start counting down the days until you go back—even though you know how much you aren't ready to start classes again.
Even though college sucks and the exams make you want to drop out, the experiences you have and lessons you learn are priceless. The plus side of finals week is that when it's over, IT'S FINALLY SUMMER and you get to relax!
Remember that your GPA is only a number and it does not define you!