Not everyone will understand your struggle. You'll wake up in agonizing pain when you crawl out of bed at 5 a.m. and your body feels numb from practice the day before. You'll fight the urge to fall asleep during a lecture class, only to get called out by your teacher for not paying attention. You'll listen to others chastise you for not making time for school, friends, a normal life or a "real job". Every day that a classmate complains about how tired they are from staying up too late doing absolutely nothing the night before, you die a little inside. The truth is, the only people who will really understand the struggles of the student-athlete life are the ones that have lived it before or are living it with you. So, I guess there's comfort in knowing you're not dying alone!
1. Oh, I should go on a diet? I mean, thank you for your concern, but I could literally eat anything because Coach is going to run us at practice anyway!
Cheeseburgers, Chipotle, ice cream, pizza, you name it. You know you're not thinking twice before it goes in your belly!
2. What would happen if I just happened to fall down these bleachers right now? Would coach make me finish the workout?
I mean...of course I don't want to fake a seizure but I'm seriously considering it if that means getting out of this workout...
3. Do I want to host a recruit!? Of course I do, Coach! There is nothing else I would rather do on my Saturday night off...
No, no it's okay...I'll just not do my homework tonight and cancel those plans I made with friends two weeks ago.
4. Hey, you there! I see you judging! I came to class straight from practice, so excuse me if I don't look like a model or smell like peaches!
I even took a shower before I got're welcome!
5. Oh my gosh...Coach is having a team dinner. ONE LESS MEAL I HAVE TO MAKE OR PAY FOR THIS WEEK!
Nothing, absolutely nothing, beats a home-cooked meal after a long week of the grind.
6. *Phone goes off* Weights is canceled?! WEIGHTS IS CANCELED. I GET TO SLEEP IN FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS WEEK!
I get to sleep in until 8:30! Woo! Game-changer.
7. Grade checks are coming? Awesome. Guess it's time to catch up on all that make-up work after missing three days of class from that road trip last weekend... much longer can I possibly put this off...
8. Woo! FINALLY. Have a great weekend everybody! I can finally go two days without seeing any of your faces. I hate you all.
Just kidding. Come back! You guys are my only friends...
9. I can't do this. There's just no way. I'm not cut out for it, I'm not big enough, fast enough, strong enough. My mentality will never be there. There's always going to be someone to beat me out. Why do I even do this? Why do I keep going?
Is it all going to be worth it?