A glimpse into the average college kid's thought process while home for winter break:
1. "Man, I really missed my family and friends from home."
No matter how much you love college, you can't deny the amazing feeling of being home with your family and high school friends.
2. "I should really start going to bed earlier..."
About a week into break, you probably realized that your sleep schedule was horribly messed up, but you also probably were too lazy to fix it.
3. "How many episodes of The Office can I get through today?"
Whether you chose to watch The Office or something a little more dramatic like Grey's Anatomy, I guarantee you found yourself thinking this same thing and succeeded in watching about 2 seasons per day.
4. "I guess I should go to the gym today..."
Or tomorrow, or the next day, and so on.... Let's face it, your goal of going to the gym everyday over break has probably turned into a goal of making it there at least once.
5. "Even though it's 2:30pm and I just woke up, I can't miss a meal, so cereal and a hoagie it is then!"
You wouldn't dare miss a meal at home. Each meal you eat at home brings you one step closer to going back to dining hall food, so you should enjoy food at home as much as you can.
6. "What day is it? Thursday... Saturday ... January?"
Christmas and New Years serve as great checkpoints to know what day it is... after that, Sunday might as well be Wednesday.
7. "What'll happen if I don't go back and stay home with my dog forever."
Or you could try and smuggle him/her back to school... your RA would never know!
8."Maybe I'll put pants on today and participate in society... nah, tomorrow sounds good."
If you haven't left your bed in 4 days, you're doing winter break correctly.
9. "Wow, I really miss my school friends."
Thank goodness iMessage and Facetime exist!
10. "I can't wait to go back."
Although life at home is pretty great, the end of break finds you severely missing your tiny dorm room, college friends, and the overall freedom of living on your own.