Ah, siblings. Can't live with them but definitely can't live without them. I was lucky enough to have grown up with a partner in crime by my side, my little sister. She’s only a little over a year younger and just one grade sets us apart in school and because of this age gap (or lack thereof) we've always been super close. We hang out with each other, laugh with each other, cry with each other and do pretty much all of the things you'd do with your best friend except that we also look pretty much exactly like each other. Here are 10 things you’ll only understand if you also grew up with a sibling that looks like you.
1. "Are you twins???"
I can't stress enough how many times I have heard this in my lifetime.
2. "Who's older?"
This one is right up there with the twins question and as the older but shorter sibling, quite frankly, I'm over it.
3. Being known as “so-and-so’s sister/brother” instead of your real name.
This one is for all the younger siblings out there.
4. All your teachers knowing you're related before they even look at the roster.
This can be either the best or worst thing about looking like your sibling depending on what kind of student they were.
5. People mixing you two up and referring to you by the wrong name.
Family friends, relatives, neighbors. Will they ever get it right? Eventually, you learn to start responding to both your name and your siblings
6. Having to constantly remind people of your name
Oh no, you must be thinking of my sister, I'm (insert your name for the millionth time) but you were close! Don't worry, happens all the time.
7. Your own parents calling you the wrong name.
This one is sad but all too true.
8. Swearing till the day you die that you just don't see the resemblance.
Deny, deny, deny, deny, deny, deny, deny
9. But also being guilty of occasionally agreeing with everyone else
You know there's that one picture from a few years back that when you glance quick enough you literally look identical. Of course, you'd never say that out loud.
10. When you finally find someone who thinks you don't look alike.
The holy grail and someone you MUST protect and keep in your life forever.
Whether you like it or not it's pretty cool to have someone that looks like you out there in the world. You get all the perks of being a twin (some pretty sweet Parent Trap-esque situations) without having to share your birthday with anyone! Yes, it can be terribly annoying, but what you can't change you might as well embrace! Either that or someone has to take one for the team and get a SUPER distinctive haircut.