Even though you're in your 20s, there are probably times where you feel like you don't exactly fit in with the rest of the 20s crowd. You like to go to bed early, going out to the bars all the time might be struggle or maybe you just get way too excited over adult things.
If you feel like you fit with these things, you might be the grandma of your friend group.
1. Going out during the week is a challenge.
It's Wednesday and your friends want to go out. You know you'll have fun if you go out, but your friends practically have to drag you to the bar.
2. You get excited about what you're going to be making for dinner.
You're past the stage of frozen dinners and ordering out every night. You've been on Pinterest for hours searching for the perfect gnocchi and vodka sauce recipe and you can't wait to try it out.
3. You're thinking about settling down.
While your friends are trying to pick up guys at the bar, you're dreaming about the day when your man finally pops the question. You also have your entire wedding planned out via Pinterest boards.
4. You can't function properly past 11 p.m.
Your bedtime is probably 10:30 p.m., so if you're out past that time, odds are you're yawning every five minutes. Forget sitting down because you'll be asleep on someone's shoulder.
5. Your friends can go out three nights in a row but you can barely handle one.
Three nights in a row? But when do you sleep?
6. You're super into crafting/knitting.
Not saying that crafting and knitting is limited to only grandmas, but if you can knit a sweater like a boss in a short amount of time, you might be a grandma.
7. If you don't get at least 8 hours of sleep, you're dead to the world.
Some people can stay up until 3 a.m. and get then be up and ready at 8 a.m. but honestly, I am not one of those people.
8. You get excited when you get grocery coupons in the mail.
Nothing is more exciting than discounted Wegmans products that you can use for the dinner recipe that you found on Pinterest.
9. Sometimes movie nights on your couch seem more appealing than the bar.
Wine + pajamas + chick flicks = happy life.
10. You know you're the grandma of the group, but you embrace it.
Just because you're the grandma doesn't mean you don't know how to have fun. After all, just look at Baddiewinkle.