Have you ever had a bad hair day and contemplated completely changing your hair? If you're thinking, "obviously!" then you know what I mean. Whether it's staring at your hair in the mirror and wondering when it had started looking like a jungle, or changing your mind about your hair style at least twice a week, or going through crazy straightening/curling processes and hair products, some of us are just all too familiar with the stubbornness of our hair. Despite all these frustrations, though, you also never change it. Why?
Because you have developed a love/hate relationship with your hair, and trust me, you're not alone.
Here's some things to show you if you may have a love-hate relationship with your hair.
1. You complain about your hair All. The. Time. It's either too straight or too curly which is kinda annoying. But your friends compliment you, so maybe it's not too bad.
2. Your hair. It's big and poofy. But hey, good thing it has volume right? Right?
3. Orrr it's straight and you sometimes wish it had a little more volume or curl to it. But you save money on a straightener, right? Right?
4. Sometimes you say you hate your hair and you're going to do something drastically different but you know you may regret changing it if you do.
8. Actually, hold off on that.
Maybe there is one thing. Bed head isn't exactly the cutest look. Hello, knots, tangles, and a new style you never even imagined existed!9. You love getting your hair wet because it's basically a new start for it. You can comb through it easier, blow dry and style, etc. The world is your oyster! And you feel like a boss.
10. But when your hair dries? It's a whoooole other story. At least you enjoyed it while it lasted!
So, there's ups and downs to whatever hair style you have. Some days you may hate it, and other days you may love it! One thing's for sure though — no matter how you feel about it one moment, it's sure to change the next.