It's here.
That dreadful week we've all been waiting for is coming, and there is no stopping the impending doom that it will bring. Get ready for sleeping at odd hours of the day or not sleeping at all, for professors saying the words "the exam is cumulative," for late night food binges and students clutching two cups of coffee as they hurry to their fate.
Finals week is soon upon us, and it will show no mercy. It's simultaneously the best and worst week of the semester. Class is over, but you have to study for a 100 question test. You can sleep in, but you will also pull multiple all-nighters. You go through a week of real hell only to be rewarded with break.
Inevitably, during this week some weird things can happen. People will do or say funny things just to lighten up the mood or somehow end up on the campus Snapchat. Most won't be functioning at their best from lack of sleep, so some strange things may happen that you'll probably never forget. Here is a list of 10 things every college student may witness during finals week
1. People sleeping in odd places.
During finals week, there is no surface that can't be a bed. Too tired to make it back to your apartment? Sleep on the desk. Too little time to crash at a friend's place? That corner isn't occupied. There is no room for judgement when it comes to sleeping during finals.
2. Food. Food everywhere.
Every desk will have some leftover or recently purchased meal next to their laptop. Whether it be campus dining or takeout, food is another essential that people will have at weird places and weird times. If you're lucky, the library will even give free handouts.
3. Campus will be a ghost town.
This is actually what you may not see. If you actually step outside, most of campus will be deserted. People are either taking an exam, studying for an exam or sleeping. The ones you do see are simply ignoring their responsibilities.
4. People still managing to party.
Yes, somehow there will at least be something going down during finals. Mainly just to escape the reality of their personal hell, downtown will still have people, and someone may have a move or two for a fun time.
5. Puppies.
One of the best things about the library during finals week is at certain hours there is "Puppy Playtime," a great chance for students to relieve some stress and be around something besides work or other people.
6. People having fun out on the quad.
As I mentioned before, the ones you do see out are the ones trying to ignore their work. They are either taking a break and enjoying the weather or procrastinating as much as they can until they have no choice.
7. Dance parties.
This is one I witnessed firsthand. The strangest things will happen during finals, and there's no shortage of antics that will go on. Dancing down the entire hallway of an academic building to forget the pain is just one of them.
8. Sleeping/overnight bags.
I'm serious about this one. People will do anything to get that grade, and sometimes that means making the library your home for the week. I once saw a girl bring a small carry-on bag filled with her toothbrush, food and change of clothes.
9. Meltdowns.
This is just college in general, but it is especially relevant during exam week. So many tissues and tears are shed just from stress that it's a wonder you won't break down from everything else in your life. If you see your fellow student crying in the stall next to you, give them their time.
10. Students are actually late to their exam.
Most try to get their early or be right on time with pencil in hand to take their test. But there will always be those few individuals who overslept or forgot the time the exam would happen. If they're lucky, the professor will let it slide and let them take the final without any worry.
We all go through it, and we all struggle together. The important thing to do is work hard and soon enough the semester will finally be over. Until then, may the Finals Gods be with you.