You really don't realize all the things you take for granted while living at home, compared to living at college.
All the things you must change about your lifestyle such as living in a single bedroom, to living with one, two, three, four, or several roommates.
There are 10 things you have taken advantage of while living at home, and you definitely miss them while being away at college.
1. Home cooked meals!!
Don't deny it. Even if Mom or Dad made a dish that you absolutely hated it, it's better than those burgers that have been sitting out for hours in the dining hall.
2. Showering without shower shoes/flip flops
If you don't have your own personal shower in your room/suite, showering with shoes on is a must, unless you want some sort of fungus growing on your foot afterwards.
3. A normal sized bed
Sleeping in a bed that is about 10 inches wide is not ideal. Going from a queen sized bed to a twin is hard adjusting.
4. Having Mom there when you're feeling sick
When you have the sniffles, stomach bug, or just hungover, you really wish your Mom was there to take care of you, bring you crackers and ginger-ale, and tell you it will be okay.
5. Pets
Yes, it is so annoying having your dog in your face while you are trying to eat food on the couch or when you are trying to relax after a long day and he/she won't leave you alone. BUT. It's only because they love you and want your attention, or your food.
6. Not doing laundry so often
Yes, I think by this age you should be doing your own laundry and not your Mom and Dad, but there are times they do it for you.
7. Not walking up flights up to stairs to reach one destination
Walking up five flights up stairs to get to your room because the elevator is taking too long. At home, it's never more than one or two flights.
8. Sharing a living space
Having a 9-10 month sleepover with your best friends is fun and all, but trying to cram all your clothes, shoes, random and unnecessary things in a small room is not ideal
9. Not having to buy groceries/supplies yourself
It was nice seeing Mom come home from the grocery store with all your favorite snacks, knowing you didn't pay a cent. Forget it now, you're questioning whether or not to spend $3 on a box of gushers or goldfish.
10. Family
Coming home and seeing your loved ones everyday didn't seem like anything really special. You saw them basically everyday. Now, you see them rarely ever. You would do almost anything just to give them a squeeze or two, especially night time.