I'd imagine that most, if not all, Visitation Academy grads would say that Viz were some of the best years of their lives. Whether you were there your whole life or just for high school, Viz created some long-lasting memories. From small things like the daily morning prayers and singing the school song, to big events like JBDs, Viz/Priory, Spirit Week, and Carnival (R.I.P), there was always things that seemed special just to our school. Viz provided an atmosphere that meant so much more than just attending an academically rigorous high school. Perhaps the best thing Viz gave us is the amazing group of women we can call our lifelong friends. Viz, this is for you.
1. How cringe-worthy your 7th-grade line dance was.
2. How seriously everyone took Spirit Week.
3. Playing tug-of-war with other classes on Field Day.
4. How it seemed every day in February was rumored to be JBD.
5. How you could create your own Vivette on Viz's website.
6. The last day of senior year.
7. The feeling when you did your 12-second curtsy and nailed it.
8. How no one in Viz's history ever seemed to nail the Maypole ceremony.
9. How your college friends looked at you when you told them you graduated in a wedding dress.
10. The pride you feel when your younger sisters, friends, or cousins graduate.