1. You hate guessing games because what if you guess and don’t get it right?
2. Those apps where you compete against friends are not on your phone because you don’t want some trivial game to ruin your day.
Like, sorry I couldn’t think of a fruit that starts with the letter X.
3. Board games are only played when you are completely sure you will win.
I’ve mastered Bananagram pretty well, so that’s one of the only games I’ll willingly play.
4. Competitive sports are when you’re at your worst and best.
When you win, the smile never leaves your face, and you’re a pompous jerk about it. When you lose, you make up some explanation like the weather or an injury or an unfairly sloped field.
5. Getting a grade back on a project or exam usually stays a secret. Unless you killed it and want the world to know.
Most likely you’ll check the grade and either wallow in self-pity or internally celebrate. No one will ever know your grade because what if they did better than you? Not OK.
6. When you’re driving with someone, and they insist you take a different route, but you continue to go the way you want. It’s a terrible feeling when you hit traffic, and it takes significantly longer to get there.
Terrible as in, “Their route beat my route so they beat me so I lost."
7. You only raise your hand in class if you are certain that what you are going to say is correct.
8. In both an academic and social setting, if someone says something wrong, you definitely correct them if you absolutely know the correct thing.
If you think they’re wrong, but aren’t sure, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”