"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." ~ Aristotle
1. "You're not going to make much money doing that."
Yeah. I know this. However, I'm not worried about my paycheck. I'm doing this because I love children, teaching and making a difference. Do you get that out of your $100k job? I didn't think so.
2. "Kids are horrible! Wouldn't you rather teach high school?"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. As much as I love high school age kids, I know that they won't respect me in a general education classroom. Hence, the special education degree. Those students will not only respect you, but you'll earn their respect and trust as well. I'm not saying that teaching special education is easier, but it's what I was hired to do.
3. "Why are you going into that career? You could get a job faster if you go into the medical field."
Yes, I know. But little do you know there is a shortage of teachers in Michigan so I'll be hired when I graduate at the rate our state is going. I'm not worried about job security. And I can't do needles. I'm not meant to be in the medical field.
4. "Are you doing it so you can have summer off? So selfish!"
My summer may not include teaching but I don't get the summer off. Teachers are usually preparing lesson plans for the next year and thinking of ways to improve their teaching. There is no vacation.
5. "Well, hopefully, you marry rich."
Really? It's not about the money. And whatever my husband makes is his money, not mine. My salary is enough for me. His money doesn't mean a thing.
6. "I hope you don't plan on having a family."
I do, thank you. And I'll manage my career and family perfectly fine. I'm more than capable of handling both. But thank you for your concern.
7. "You're so smart! Wouldn't you rather do something where you wouldn't be wasting your talents?"
Would you want someone who isn't smart teaching your children? Didn't think so.
8. "At least your job is easy."
Easy? Educating the next generation of people is easy? Spend one day doing this job and get back to me on that one.
9. "Are you sure you wanna be a teacher?"
Yes. I'm sure. Are you sure you want to do whatever you're doing?
10. "Those who can, do, and those who can't, teach."
Don't even get me started.