The hardest critic we have on this planet is ourself, even though at some points it might feel like our parents. There are so many negative thoughts that go through our head every day and subconsciously bring us down. Even though working on self love is a whole other article in and of itself, here are 10 things that you shouldn't get bogged down about:
1. Having your own opinion.
You're allowed to have your own opinion BUT you have to be able to back it up (sorry facts from Facebook don't always cut it) and you have to respect other's opinions as well. And overall just don't be a dick about it.
2. Taking time for yourself.
Be a hermit for a couple of days! Catch up on that T.V. series you were watching or go out shopping for some cute summer clothes or be like me and sleep or 13 hours. I promise your friends don't love you THAT much.
3. Eating what you want.
You know what Debbie, I'm not on the kale diet...I'm on the it's Sunday and I want pasta for breakfast diet.
4. Skipping the gym.
Give your body a break! It's not healthy to go to the gym every single day because your muscles need to time to relax and rebuild so don't beat yourself up.
5. Asking for help.
Life is tough sometimes and we're all still figuring it out. Like oh mom how do I run the dishwasher or oh mom can you still schedule my annual physical? Just kidding...please start doing these things on your own. But more importantly, if you're feeling stuck ask someone who has gone through it. I promise you they will probably appreciate it more than you aka it'll make them feel smart.
6. Giving tough love.
Sometimes you have to be brutally honest with your friends to help them come to a realization about a situation or get over that dumb guy. But please, don't do it to the most fragile person in your friend group...that's just traumatizing.
7. Asking for reciprocation.
I'm not talking about charging someone on venmo (But that is necessary as well). I'm talking about having friendships that go both ways. Put in effort into the relationships that matter and are going to last, but don't keep going back to someone who is only around when it's convenient for them. And if you're friendship booty calling your friends (I think I just made that up?) maybe it's time to start putting in a little more TLC.
8. Getting off track once in a while.
Haven't gone to the gym in 2 weeks (me all summer)? Went out one too many times this week? Honestly good for you because you probably had a blast. The important thing is to get back on track so you don't end up repeating junior year of college 7 times.
9. Saying 'No' for the right reasons.
I know this sounds crazy but you don't always have to say yes to people. If you're already feeling swamped with work and friends and your dog is mad at you because you haven't taken him on a walk (eyeroll) then take a step back and regroup.
10. Doing what makes you happy.
This is the cheesiest line EVER, but it's true. Take a weekend off from going out or take a personal day from work. The only dopamine you're going to feel is yours so you might as well make it count! Laugh, enjoy life, eat ice cream, stay up late, get off your phone, breathe deep.