I may be chronically single but I've witnessed the rise and fall of many hookups in my two decades. Feelings get hurt, someone cries, and things remain awkward until graduation. If you want to avoid the angry glares from friends while at the bar, maybe you should stop using these phrases.
1. "I don't want a relationship right now."
Alright, this is fine if you actually feel that way. If you don't want to date them, just say it. They'll be hurt, she'll probably cry but chances are it'll be better than when she sees your Insta with your new girlfriend a few weeks after you ended things with her.
2. "I'm not talking to anyone else."
In today's day and age, I'd be willing bet that 9 times out of 10, this is a lie. It's not a crime if you're not in a committed relationship but it is kind of shitty when Hookup #1 sees you at the bar with Hookup #2. If you are talking to multiple people, just give them a heads up before you head to bed together. No one wants chlamydia as a present.
3. "We can still be friends!"
No, no you can't. This only ever works in movies so stop yourself before you even start down this path. Someone is bound to catch feelings and chances are, you won't be friends after that.
4. "What are we?"
This phrase should make you shutter. Only ever said after a few shots but it's bound to lead to a fight that makes everyone else outside the bar uncomfortable.
5. "What's your friend's name?"
Don't. Just don't.
6. "They're so hot!"
Yes, because that is exactly what your hookup wants to hear!
7. "The timing just isn't right."
Sure, you're taking 18 credits and are president of the bowling club but if you really want something, you make time for it just like I make time every Thursday night to watch Scandal, even though I don't "have" the time to do that. You just don't want to do it so own up to that.
8. "I think *insert another name here* wears that same scent!"
Why yes, I do want to be compared to your old ex/hook up! Thank you so much! I'll just go burn my $15 Bath & Body Works body spray now!
9. "Anyone would be lucky to have you."
So...there are either some self-confidence issues here or this is just the worst cop-out in the history of cop-outs. If you're basically telling someone you don't want to be with them, just say that. Don't try to flatter your way out of the guilt.
10. "You deserve better."
Damn straight they do. Same as above, you either have to work on some self-love before you get into a relationship or you're trying to soften the blow. If you genuinely do not think you are worthy of this person, cool. If you're trying to feign self-hatred to save their feelings, it won't work.