10 Things You Should Do With Your Free Time This Summer
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10 Things You Should Do With Your Free Time This Summer

Make these next three months memorable.

10 Things You Should Do With Your Free Time This Summer

Can you believe it? You finally made it to summer! What are you supposed to do with yourself now that you’re no longer consumed with thoughts of papers and final exams? While you’ve probably got a summer job or an internship lined up, you need something fun to do in your free time. You need to do things that will benefit you as a person. Whether it’s by doing something relaxing or by getting out of the house and doing something new, there are plenty of things you can do to have an amazing experience over the next three months. Here are 10 things you should do with your free time this summer:

1. Find a scripted television show to binge watch.

Instead of driving yourself crazy by watching hours of reality television, find a scripted show on Netflix or Hulu that you can really delve into. Whether it’s a comedy, like The Mindy Project , or a drama, like Grey’s Anatomy , pick a show that takes you on a journey. No matter what happens in your real life, this show can be your escape from it all.

2. Watch at least one good movie per week.

Believe it or not, you can still be exposed to culture without going to an art show or a play. Go on IMDb, pick one of your favorite actors or directors, and watch all of their biggest films. While enjoying the body of Leonardo Dicaprio or Steven Spielberg’s work, you’ll start to notice certain techniques or themes in their movies. It sounds a little bit nerdy, but it’s really interesting, and you’ll find yourself being exposed to new worlds and ideas each week from the comfort of your couch.

3. Have as many fun nights in with your friends as you possibly can.

Never underestimate a good night in with your best friends. While it’s fun to go out every now and then, sometimes a night in is just what the doctor ordered. Whether you’re talking over a glass of wine or eating junk food, it’s extremely important to have good friends and good conversation to maintain your sanity. A night in enables you to grow closer with your friends and build bonds that can’t always be formed during a night out at a club.

4. Take up cooking.

This will not be an easy task for those who aren’t naturally gifted in the culinary arts, but it’s an important skill to have. Even if you only learn how to make one good meal this summer, it’s one more meal you can make for yourself and your loved ones. If you want some delicious ideas, crack open Chrissy Teigen’s new cookbook, “Cravings: Recipes for All the Food You Want to Eat.” Put on some great music to dance to, find a great recipe, and you’re all set. You might even find yourself having fun in the process!

5. Try a new form of exercise to keep things interesting.

For most people, exercising is not an easy task. Using the treadmill or elliptical machine can get boring fast. Try to find an exercise that you actually have fun doing and even look forward to. Even if you have no idea what you’re doing, you’ll be proud of yourself for attempting something new.

6. Get organized!

Whether you have piles of old textbooks or clothes from 10 years ago, there’s always something in your closet that you can toss. It can be hard to let go of something you’ve had for years, but you will feel so much better once you rid yourself of all of the clutter.

7. Redecorate.

Nothing says a fresh start like a new paint color, or even a little feng shui. You’ll be surprised at how something small can transform your space. Get rid of that color on your walls that you’ve had for way too long and make your place an area you are happy to live in. You can make the redecorating fun by hiring your friends to help you, and at the end of the day you’ll have some great memories to look back on and a new space to enjoy.

8. Take a trip (even if it’s just for the day).

It’s always important to get out of the house and go on an adventure. For most people, a vacation in Hawaii or Paris isn’t realistic. Instead, make use of what’s around you and go somewhere that’s just a few hours away or less. Take the bus to New York City and visit all of the spots from your favorite romantic comedies, or take the metro into Washington, D.C. and live life like Olivia Pope. No matter where you live, it’s likely that adventure awaits in a land not too far away.

9. Spend some time with Mother Nature.

If you’re one of those people who prefers to live life inside the comfort of your own home, you are not alone. The outside world can be scary, especially when there’s a new report about the dangers of the Zika virus every day. Take the necessary precautions, leave your worries at the door, and go on a hike. You’ll be surprised at how relaxing and beautiful nature can be.

10. Keep a journal to remember it all.

You are going to make a lot of memories this summer, and you’ll want to remember them in the years to come. Even if you don’t feel like writing five pages about your day, a sentence or two is good enough. There’s even journals that ask you to answer a different question each day over a span of five years. You’ll enjoy looking back on these memories and seeing how your life changes in the future.

No matter what kind of mood you’re in or how much free time you have, there’s always going to be something fun for you to do with your free time. Pick one of these activities and get on your way to making this the best summer yet.

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