Finally. The month in-between fall and spring semester where we get to sit at home and not worry about school work has arrived. Although this is a time where we should be relaxing and enjoying being at home, there are a few things you should at least try and to in order to make your break the greatest.
1) Catch up on sleep.
Endless all-nighters and massive amounts of coffee to stay up and study is basically an explanation of the past two weeks of your life. Finals definitely get the best of everyone. Winter break is the best excuse to sleep in until noon every day and catch up on all that sleep that you missed out on.
2) Go through all your clothes.
Typically we spend a lot of our time over break trying to make money seeing as though we spent everything we had over the semester and Christmas presents. Another great way to earn money and help out the community is to take a couple hours and see what clothes you can donate to Goodwill or sell at a second-hand store like Plato's Closet. Not only are you making money, but you're also making room in your closet for more clothes.
3) Watch a whole series on Netflix.
No explanation for this one, it's pretty necessary.
4) Get outside for a day.
From night sledding to snowboarding with some friends, the amount of fun you'll have by getting outside will overpower the frostbite you'll receive.
5) Grab lunch with an old friend and catch up.
I can fully attest to not having enough time to see every single person over winter break that I intended to, but you should try to at least catch up with one of them. It'll be nice to listen to someone else's life for a change and get your mind off of everything, trust me.
6) Volunteer at least one day.
Whether it's decorating cookies at a nursing home or giving a couple hours of your time at a local soup kitchen, taking a day to volunteer is a great way to give back to the community. Not only will it make you feel good, but the more you volunteer, the better it looks on your resume.
7) Family movie marathon night.
Your family might drive you nuts, but you should take at least one night to sit down in the living room and have a movie marathon with them. Grab some popcorn, make some hot chocolate, and start playing those Harry Potter movies.
8) Make a goal list for spring semester.
I know, you probably don't even want to think about next semester during your break. The earlier you make that list and know what you need to get done over the next few months though, the more likely you are to actually complete that list. From working out more to getting straight A's, putting any possible goal can only lead to more success.
9) Do something spontaneous.
Do a whole day filled with cooking. Take a trip with friends somewhere outside of the state. Visit a historical landmark or museum. When will you ever again get days where you can do absolutely anything you want?
You only get one month of freedom from school, so this winter break you better make it count.