"Did you get home safely? What have you eaten today? Are you sick? Come here let me take your temperature." Sound familiar? You can probably guess these are all phrases you wold hear from your mom, that is unless of course, you are one of my friends, in which you'll know this is basically the questions I ask them on a daily basis. It is the life of being the "friend mom." To all of you out there who are feeling a bit like their moms lately don't worry, you're not alone.
1. Did you get home safe???
Don't get in an accident! Get home safely! Please be careful!
2. Here I have it in my purse
Bandaids, snacks, tissues, advil, candy, gum. The list goes on and on... If its travel size it's in your bag.
3. Do you have a fever?? Come here let me see
Chances are I'll do this weekly
4. No you're too young for that
Stop talking about going out, you're staying home and watching movies
5. Let me make you something to eat
What do you mean you didn't eat??? That's it come over I'm making you food
6. Well, what time did you go to sleep?
That's probably why you fell asleep in math
7. I can be cool!!
Okay maybe not... but we still want to go out
8. How was practice?
I'm your average soccer mom
9. I'm not a mom!!!!
Yes, you are. Don't kid yourself.
10. I do this cause I care
Because all and all, you act like a mom because you care so much.