Summer is finally here! If you’re a college student, it can either mean you’re finally free from all responsibilities until the fall semester or you have one of three things: work to help pay for fun things, an internship to hopefully help get you a job after college or a summer class so that you can graduate on time. Maybe you’re crazy and have all three! Whichever your situation may be, you’ve put in a lot of hard work during the school year that you deserve to unwind and have some fun this summer.
Here are 10 things to do before stressing about all the overpriced textbooks you need next semester.
1. Sleep In
You spent a lot of nights losing sleep so that you can study for an exam or type up a paper due the next morning; summer is the perfect time to catch up on all the hours you missed out on during the school year.
2. Go On Adventures
a friend or two and road trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit. It can be as crazy as driving across the
country or as simple as finally driving to a city in your state that you’ve
wanted to explore.
3. Get Fit
Let’s be honest, you probably didn’t follow the fitness plan you set up for yourself in the beginning of the school year. Take some time this summer to get back in shape by hitting the gym regularly by yourself or with a friend.
4. Watch a Sunrise or Sunset
Whether it’s at a beach or just your backyard, make sure to really enjoy and appreciate the quiet hours in the morning before everyone gets up or the peaceful feeling you get from having been blessed to live another day and witness the sun go down.
5. Learn How to Cook
Along with getting fit, learning how to cook healthy for yourself instead of eating out all the time will help you out in the long run and save you a lot of money.
6. Go to a Concert
You’re not doing summer right if you don’t go to at least one concert. Make sure you take a friend that’s willing to sing the songs at the top of their lungs and dance the night away with you.
7. Read a Good Book
Summer is the perfect time to get lost in a book that you actually want to read about. Set a goal for yourself and try to read as many books before diving into those textbooks again.
8. Get Some Color
The summer sun is out and it’s time to get your tan on! But make sure to be safe and put lots of sunscreen on so you don’t go back home red as a lobster.
9. Spend time with family and friends
Make the effort to hang out with your family and friends if you’re home for the summer. You’ve been away at college and there’s no doubt that they miss seeing your beautiful/handsome face.
10. Enjoy Every Moment
a break from your phone and really absorb what’s in front of you. Every moment only happens once and you’ll
regret missing them for being so focused on the Internet world.
is just three months out of the year but if you do it right, three months is
all you need before you start counting down the days for sweater weather. So go out and have some fun in the sun!