10 Things You Missed If You Didn't READ Harry Potter
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10 Things You Missed If You Didn't READ Harry Potter

Peeves. Just, ugh.

10 Things You Missed If You Didn't READ Harry Potter

Harry Potter made everyone's lives a bit more magical almost 20 years ago (June 26, 2017 will be the 20th anniversary for Sorcerer's Stone) and since than has built a fandom that is worldwide. But if you haven't read all the books can you really call yourself a true fan? While the 8 movies are great representations of the 7 books, the magic between those pages can not be truly transformed onto the screen. From the in-depth inner monologue of Harry, to the TRUE relationship between him and Ginny, (WINKY I mean come on), to Dumbledore's background story, and to even simple things like squibs, de-gnoming the garden, and wandless magic. But alas you can not, of course, cram a whole magical world and all it's stories into 8, 2 1/2 hour movies.

So here are 10 (pretty important) things you would have missed if you did not READ the Harry Potter series.

1. The Phoenix Feather's

"Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from it's ashes," Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

For most you're all probably thinking 'okay we saw Fawkes in the movie, so what?....' well here's the twist: both Harry and Voldemort's wand cores are phoenix feathers. Phoenix feathers from Dumbledores phoenix. Coincidence? I think NOT. (Dumbledore truly is all knowing *evil smile emoji*) You can find this tid-bit of interesting info in The Goblet of Fire, the fourth book in the series.

2. S.P.E.W

"You know, house-elves get a very raw deal! It's slavery, that's what it is! That Mr. Crouch made her go up to the top of the stadium, and she was terrified, and he's got her bewitched so she can't even run when they start trampling tents! Why doesn't anyone do something about it?" Hermione, Goblet of Fire.

Oh S.P.E.W, the Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare. Now it might seem like a silly thing to the movie lovers to be upset over, but the HP book fanatics truly get miffed over S.P.E.W. Hermione starts this club when she really see's how awful house-elves are treated in the wizarding world, not understanding their lifestyle because she comes from the muggle side (plus she's a perfect feminist/under dog activist, so duh). Ron really can't understand her argument especially when Winky (oh poor little Winky) is freed from Mr. Crouch and can't seem to get a grip on her life after servitude (unlike our true hero Dobby, R.I.P), he believes that's where they belong. Which of course leads to a lot of arguments between them which leads to them suppressing their feelings even more and with teenage hormones just flying all over the place between them and ugh poor Harry. This unfortunately left out storyline can be found in Goblet of Fire, the fourth book in the series.

3. Wait...Who were prefects again?

'I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!'
'What are Fred and I, next-door neighbors?' said George indignantly
...,' Mrs. Weasley and George, Order of the Phoenix.

Now let's go back to the first couple movies, anyone remember Percy shouting out he's a PREFECT? Well, if you do prefect (see what I did there?), because this story line would have really added to the angsty mess that was Harry's life in Order of the Phoenix. Prefects are essentially the head of their respective house, there is usually two; a boy and girl, and they make sure everyone basically stays in line (hence why Fred and George never received that title). At the beginning of the book when Harry is brought to 12 Grimmauld Place; him, Ron and Hermione receive all the things they need for the school year, and in this year Ron and Hermione get picked to be prefects, instead of Harry. This just adds more fuel to the 'Harry is really really alone' fire, which in reality is caused by Dumbledore trying to keep Harry safe but still ends with a not-so-friendly-meeting with he-who-must-not-be-named. Fun times. Poor Harry (again).

4. Hermione and Rita Skeeter

"You horrible woman. You don't care, do you, anything for a story, and anyone will do, won't they?" Hermione, Goblet of Fire

Whether we read the books, watched the movies, or both we all had an undertone hatred for the blonde, gaudy 'journalist' Rita Skeeter. What many, though, don't know is Hermione found out how Skeeter was getting all her info; she did so by transforming her self into (her illegal) animagus, a beetle. Hermione trapped her in a jar with an Unbreakable Charm so she couldn't transform back. She then threatened Skeeter saying she would take her to the authorities and call her out on her undocumented animagus (which is a serious offense) if she didn't 'keep her quill to herself for a year'. Our *sweet* litter Hermione can be, in the words of Ron, wicked at times.

5. Peeves The Poltergeist

"We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter's the one, and Voldy's gone mouldy, so now let's have fun!" Peeves, The Deathly Hallows.

Peeves, Peeves, Peeves. How could you leave something out like Peeves? The poltergeist that added so much humor to our days at Hogwarts. From destroying classrooms, traumatizing students (poor Neville), to kidnaping Filches cat on a regular basis he was the 'pet peeve' of the castle, but it wouldn't have been the same without him. Especially so when teaming up with Fred and George during Order of the Phoenix to get at Umbridge. His high-jinks were a nice comic relief later on in the series, and were very missed in the movies.


"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? It was I who invented them - I, the Half-Blood Prince! And you'd turn my inventions on me, like your filthy father, would you? I don't think so . . . no" Severus Snape, Half Blood Prince

If there was one thing you think they would have added to the movies, THE ONE THING, would be the PLOT to the NAME OF THE WHOLE MOVIE. It was Harry Potter and the HALF-BLOOD PRINCE, but instead we got 'Harry Potter and the Not Gonna Care About This Storyline'. Sigh. So for the ones who watched the movie you know Snape says he is 'the half-blood prince'. But what does that even mean? Well it's actually very interesting because Snape during his time as Hogwarts was feeling pretty alone after he pissed off Lily Evans (Harry's mom) and started to get into some pretty dark stuff, hence the sectumsempra spell (the one Harry used on Malfoy in the bathroom). The whole title of the Half-Blood Prince comes from the fact that Severus was just that, a half blood, and his mother, the witch, maiden name was Prince. So Snape truly was the Half-Blood Prince. This is interesting to us because it was very rare for a death eater to be a half-blood, but in actuality Voldemort was a half-blood as well, his father being a muggle. Severus (AND Alan Rickman) deserved a bit more credit towards this story line instead of all the teenage hormone angsty crap they thought was more necessary.

7. Neville's Parents at St. Mungo's

"Again? Very well, Alice dear, very well — Neville, take it, whatever it is… Very nice, dear." "Thanks, Mum." Augusta and Neville Longbottom, Order of the Phoenix.

While in the Order of the Phoenix we get a little glimpse of Neville's parents and who they were. The movies tell us that they were tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, which in consequence drove them mad. Though in the book we go a bit more in-depth when Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny meet Neville's parents at St. Mungo's and see how truly sad the situation was. Neville was embarrassed the whole time but Harry could feel his sadness when his mother came to him and handed him an empty candy wrapper, hardly really seeming to know who he was at all. Harry had known already at this point about Neville's parents lives, but had promised Dumbledore previously that he would never mention it. Even if you don't ever read the whole book definitely read this chapter, Christmas on the Closed Wand, because it makes you understand Neville and his past in a whole new light. And who doesn't just love Neville Longbottom?

8. The Potter Memorial

"The ones that love us never truly leave us. You can find them, in here," Sirius Black, Prisoner of Azkaban.

When Harry and Hermione go to Grodric's Hollow in the Deathly Hollows, they come across the home Harry's parents were murdered in. In the movies its just a snow ladened, crumbling, burnt old house. In the books there is a memorial to the Potter's there, only non-muggles could see, among the ruins as a 'reminder of the violence'. The sign though that stands before it has been 'vandalized' over the years but only with words of encouragement for those that stand with Harry. This would have been really amazing to see in the movies, giving a more emotional tie to Harry and his parents and driving more the need to end Voldemort.

9. Dumbledore's Howler to Aunt Petunia

"Remember my last, Petunia." Dumbledore, Order of the Phoenix.

Once again, another really important detail left out of the Order of the Phoenix movie. Surprise, surprise. This howler (for those who only watch the movie remember the red screaming letter Ron received from his mother in Chamber of Secrets) Dumbledore sent to Petunia was after Harry and Dudley were attacked by the dementors. Petunia threatened to kick Harry out, believing he was the reason her precious son so terribly upset. She quickly received this howler though, and we can only imagine Dumbledores deep threatening voice saying "Remember my last, Petunia." and then the look on that poor woman's face. Now most speculated that he was speaking of past Hogwarts letters, but J.K. herself cleared up that he had sent letters to Harry's Aunt in the past explaining what she must do. So basically the house was under protection from Voldemort as long as Harry called it 'home', if she kicked him out it would no longer be 'home' causing them all to be in even more danger. You go Glen Coco, um I mean, Dumbledore.

10. Neville Could Have Been the 'Chosen One'

"Why is it always me?" Neville Longbottom, Chamber of Secrets

Well this time it wasn't you Neville, but it could have been! In the movie it was never mentioned, sadly, that this plant lovin', toad carryin' boy could have been in Harry's place. In the prophecy it stated that a boy born at the end of July would basically be Voldemort's ruin. Now Voldemort took this right away to be Harry Potter, but Neville was born July 30th and met all the requirements to the prophecy as well. Instead Voldemort automatically picked Harry, even though Snape tried to get him to go after the Longbottoms. Harry was a half-blood like himself, which is a big reason he chose him over pure-blood Neville. So lucky Longbottom! It would have been interesting though.... Neville Longbottom and the Year He Lost His Toad, Neville Longbottom and the Year of the Cornish Pixies, Neville Longbottom and the..........

Whether you knew these facts or not, if you have stood with Harry through movie, book, or both then you are one of us. This magical world has led so many to come together, no matter what path you walk in life. So we raise our wands to Harry and all those who made us all feel not-so-muggleish.

In the words of J.K. Rowling herself:

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