Here are 10 things you learn from playing sports in high school...
1. You have to put in the work to get the reward.
Nothing in life comes free or easy. If you want something, you have to put in effort and the time to achieve it.
2. Not all losses are "losses."
Things won't always work out in your favor. But if at the end of the day you can look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of how you performed, then it wasn't really a loss.
3. How to get along with people you don't mesh well with.
You're not going to be best friends with everyone, and that's okay, but when you step on that field you better act like teammates. When you set aside differences to work towards a common goal, you'll find that things will get done faster and the final product will be 100 times better than you could have done by yourself.
4. Having a mentor is important.
The best way to figure out how to get where you want to go, is to ask someone who has been there. Mentors can help find a starting point for achieving your goals and instill confidence in you along the way.
5. Being a mentor is a privilege and a responsibility.
It's flattering when someone looks up to you as a role model, but its also comes with a big responsibility. When someone is asking you for advice on what to do with their life, you should take time to give a thoughtful answer.
6. There will always be someone better than you.
It's tough getting to the top, but it's even tougher to stay there. You may think you're at the top of your game, but next season some one can come along and take your spot. Once you have something, you have to work even harder to keep it.
7. Sometimes you have to look at the big picture.
What you may think is the best thing for you now, may not be the best for the team in the long run. Sure, it's nice to be a starter and a finisher, but other people need time in the game too. If you don't help develop the people working around you, the team won't succeed.
8. How to admit to mistakes and move on.
Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days. But being upset about a mistake isn't going to make it go away. It's easier to move on if you acknowledge what you did wrong and take it as an opportunity to learn something.
9. Self motivation
In the words of my high school soccer coach: "you will never know how good you can be, until you push yourself to be better than you think you are." Sometimes you're the only person that is holding you back. Once you let go of the fear of failure and take away the limits you have placed on yourself, you can and will achieve whatever you set your mind to.
10. Teamwork makes the dream work.
If you don't help develop the people around you, the team won't succeed.