1. Dollar Generals pop up like wildflowers.
My hometown has like 10 of them, all to fit the needs of the 10,000 people in my hometown. Even though nothing in there is actually $1.
2. It's common to get behind a tractor on your way down the highway, or worse, a horse and buggy.
Amish country and 'Drive Your Tractor to School Day' is totally a thing.
3. Wal-Mart is the place to be on a Friday night.
When there is no mall, movie theater, or anything like that, you go to Wal-Mart for fun.
4. Waving at everyone, whether you know them or not, is a thing.
Waving is the nice and considerate thing to do.
5. Everybody knows everybody.
Literally everyone. You're also probably related to half the people in your hometown.
6. Even if you don't like sports, high school football games were life.
Friday night football games were a mandatory thing. Friday Night Lights was pretty much an accurate portrayal of your life.
7. Country music defines you and your life.
You can relate to almost every country song you hear, and well as name every country singer whether you have listened to them recently or not. I see you, Luke Bryan.
8. The closest shopping mall or Target is about a 30 minute drive.
If you wanted nice things, then you had to drive for them.
9. You went to the same school with the same kids from Kindergarten to high school.
The perks of only having one middle school and high school in your county: you never have to make new friends because you already know everyone.
10. You never lose a piece of who you are, or where you came from.
While you may grow up and move away, the country will always be in your heart.