1. People assume they can ask about your sex life.
You wouldn't ask a straight person how they have sex because it's intrusive and personal. There's a thing called Google if you're so curious.
2. You've been asked, "So are you like... really gay?"
Are you like...really straight?
3. And then they follow with this disgusting phrase...
This isn't like the time you dyed your hair because you were going through a major life crisis, Sharon.
4. "But you don't LOOK gay."
Oh shit. Did I forget my rainbow at home again?
5. When you meet another openly LGBTQ+, you both instantly become best friends.
Our forces are like Voltron. We are much stronger when combined.
6. You've used this meme over 100 times.
And you think you're absolutely hilarious for it (you are).
7. Someone who always wanted "a gay best friend" will try and make you theirs.
Just because you think having a gay friend makes you more "cultured" doesn't mean we want to be the one doing the culturing.
8. You develop gaydar.
And you can read EVERYONE's mind (not really– but you really do have a heightened sense).
9. People assume it's a choice.
Just like being straight is a choice, right?
10. People will try to use the word "gay" to offend you.
But you shouldn't let them. Be proud of who you are!