If you ran cross country in high school, chances are you spent a lot of time wondering why in the world you subjected yourself to so much torture (i.e. ice baths). But along with the excruciating runs, there were so many rewards that came with the sport. Even if you don't run anymore, running cross country provided experiences you will never forget, with people you will always have a connection to because of the times (and runs) you shared together.
Here are 10 things you know to be true if you ran high school cross country:
1. Pasta parties were the best part of your week.
2. Chocolate milk was oddly satisfying after a long run.
3. You and your teammates always walked the course in a large pack. #SquadGoals
4. Some afternoons you would literally rather do anything else than run.
5. But that same afternoon, you hit a new mileage you never had before, or ran your fastest mile yet, and felt so great about yourself.
6. You always dreaded the day you had to take an ice bath.
7. Stress fractures were one of the worst things that could happen to you.
8. So were shin splints.
9. But that doesn't mean you didn't keep running through them.
10. People thought you were crazy for running cross country, but you loved it anyway
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