After 20 years, I have come to the conclusion that I am not a morning person. I will be the first one to admit I suck as a person when I first get up in the morning. Now, if I wake up on my own will, I am more likely to be less sucky than if I was being woken up by an alarm clock. Here are 10 things that you know to be true if you are not a morning person.
1. You have to set your phone across the room in order to get up.
2. Coffee is your best friend.
3. You have multiple alarms set.
4. 8 a.m. classes are your own personal hell.
5. You have slept through an alarm (or alarms).
6. You live for the days you can sleep in.
7. Breakfast is over by the time you wake up.
8. It literally kills you to set an alarm.
9. You look forward to going back to bed as soon as you get up.
10. You don't understand how morning people function.
So here's to us, the non-morning people. Like one of my favorite quotes goes: "May your coffee be strong and your day be short."