Growing up in Warren is an experience, to say the least. From Honda Civics to Porsches, you'll meet all types of kids. Your friends are from like 5 different regions (thanks, high school!) and you're judged based on what town you're from.
Here's 10 things that you know are true if you're from Warren:
1. It's a Taylor Ham - not a Pork Roll.
2. Bridgewater Mall is the best mall in the country (unless you can afford to go to Short Hills)
3. Where the kids drive nicer cars than their teachers
Holla from my Honda Civic!
4. Long Hill kids are inferior
You can't sit with us.
5. You're either from Warren or "Wharlem"
What over-privileged POS came up with that?
6. Every party you've ever gone to has gotten busted
Because let's face it - there's no real crime in Warren.
7. Shop Rite's lines < King's prices
8. Go Warriors! no matter how much you hated high schoo
9. Prom Weekend is a free pass for everyone attending
10. When you finally go off to college you always miss home