No one understands the bond of a big family unless they come from one. From huge holiday celebrations to endless birthdays, there is always something going on. But despite the constant craziness, being in a big family has so many benefits that you only know to be true if you come from one.
1. You are an expert on babies
For as long as you can remember, there was always a baby on your hip at family gatherings. Growing up around tons of kids, you consider yourself an expert on all things baby. (You also constantly have huge baby fever)
2. Large masses don’t bother you
Whether it’s at a convention, festival, concert, etc., large groups of people are your specialty. I mean honestly, every family reunion is basically a small festival all on its own.
3. Saying Hello and Goodbye takes about 10 minutes
Making your rounds around the family party is never an easy process, and it’s even worse when you bring a new bf/gf to the party and everyone has to introduce themselves.
4. You always have a small sports team ready to go
In my family at least, we all grew up playing sports together and the majority of us ended up joining some sort of team as early as possible. So no matter when or where, there is always someone down for a game.
5. Remembering birthdays would not be possible without the Facebook reminder
As much as you love everyone in your family, it is impossible to remember everyone’s birthday and/or how old they are turning. Thank heavens for the Facebook birthday reminder so that you never forget to call someone!
6. You never run out of things to talk about
Even when you think you know everything about everyone, there is always a story that you haven’t heard or told yet. Though sometimes there are things that you would rather NOT talk about. . . like Aunt Becky’s bunion on her foot.
7. You sit at the kids table until you’re 20
Sorry, but there’s not a table big enough in the world to fit everyone that is actually an adult.
8. “Small get-togethers” are not a thing
Even if only half of your cousins show up, it’s still about 30 people.
9. You are constantly running into people who know someone in your family
“Yes, Billy is my dad and Susan is my grandmother.” “Oh you went to high school with my uncle? How cool!” These are phrases that I use on a weekly basis.
10. You have a constant support system
With every new milestone in your life comes an outpouring of support and love from your family. Whether it be a birthday, graduation, wedding, etc., you are always guaranteed to be engulfed in love and encouragement.