Growing up in tornado alley pretty much prepared you for any storm that comes your way. You see storms and tornado-activity very often and they are all usually the same. Moving away from home to a place where storms are not always as big as what I went through, makes you realize that tornado alley prepared me for anything!
1. You are prepared for every storm.
There is no storm that catches you off guard. You know when and where to move your vehicle and it was probably your chance to go hang out with your friends at the car wash in order to save your vehicle from storm damage. Anything to protect your baby. You probably have owned or do own a storm kit, you know, with a flashlight, candles, matches, water, little snacks, batteries, maybe a portable charger for your phone, basically the essentials to get through life. No storm could defeat you when it comes to being prepared.
2. You are usually the one sitting outside during a storm.
While all of your friends are freaking out and trying to find shelter, you are the one outside videoing the rotating clouds above your head or sitting out in your lawn chair watching and waiting. There really isn't a storm that can scare you into staying inside and missing the beauty of it. Each storm is different and unique and they become more beautiful each time.
3. You know what each cloud is and what they are capable of.
You have quite a bit of knowledge of clouds and what each cloud can produce. If a cloud is has a green, glowing hue...hail. If the weather is still and humid then gets chilly, good chance of tornado. On the radar, you can point out where rotation is. Knowing all of this is pretty useful.
4. You don't really freak out at thunder or lightening.
The sound of thunder and the crack of lightening is actually somewhat soothing. There are some that make you jump out of your skin, when they're like less than a mile away, but the ones that are a few miles away are music to your ears. You know how to tell how far the lightning is, once you see lightning, start counting seconds. The number you end on is how many miles away it was.
5. It confuses you when schools close two hours early due to weather conditions.
It's happened. Schools have closed early because of the threat of severe weather. Granted they have bad weather days for this, but still, it's weird!
6. You sleep like a baby during any storm.
You get excited when there is a storm because you get to sleep and you normally sleep super good during them.
7. You know what a cellar is really used for.
Everyone knows what a safe place is and everyone has one, but not everyone has a cellar. Growing up in tornado alley, cellars were essential. Yes, like one in "The Wizard of Oz." Just about everyone you knew had one and if your friends didn't have one, you would have a storm hide-out party with your neighbors.
8. You know where to go if you do not have a cellar.
If there is not a cellar available, you know what a good safe place is. No windows, no outside walls, middle of a room, hallway, etc...and maybe you were just too lazy to go to the cellar, so you just choose one of these instead of having to actually go to the cellar.
9. You probably did not use the cellar, if you had one.
You had a cellar but probably hardly ever used it. You didn't want to walk outside through the straight line winds and the piercing rain. Heck no. You just rather stick it out in the house. It was risky, but work smarter not harder, right?
10. Terrible Tuesday is your biggest fear.
You know the date of April 10, 1979 all too well. You may have had family members involved or friends who can tell you exactly what happened. Here's a link if you would like to read more about it. It is a day that will always be remembered in everyone's hearts.
Living in tornado alley prepares you for the worst while you hope for the best. It was not ever a walk through the park, but it sure made you appreciate the beauty of the storm. It really made you understand the saying "the calm after the storm."