As a junior in college, I have had my fair share of opportunities to go out, party and basically drink my responsibilities out of my mind. However, I am one of the very few that has chosen to avoid drinking in college. On the weekends I prefer to stay in and do something crazy like eat an entire pizza. Sounds crazy right? Every now and then I will go out, but when I do I always hear the same things when I tell someone that I do not drink. Every intoxicated person has the same feelings toward their sober peers. I wish I had a dollar for every time a drunk person says to me...
1. "But why?"
2. "How?"
Well, remember the saying "Just say no" that we learned in elementary school? I actually do that.
3. "I wish I could do that"
Clearly, you do not actually wish that you did not drink as you stand here completely drunk and way too close to my face.
4. "I completely respect that"
They always say this right after they offer you a shot and you say no. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I heard someone say this to me.
5. "Are you sureeee you don't want a drink?"
Please DO NOT ask me this. I have gone twenty years without having a drink, I think I know that I do not want it.
6. "I used to never drink in high school"
Honestly I do not really care about your drinking habits.
7. "Do you judge me for drinking?"
No. If I judged everyone that drinks in college I probably would not have any friends. I do not drink, that gives me no right to judge others for doing it.
8. "Sorry I was so obnoxious last night"
Honestly, you were not the worst person I saw.
9. "Do you know what I did last night?"
Yes, yes I do because I watched it happen. Be glad that you don't remember.
10. " Are you really sure you do not even want a sip?"
Yes. As a college student that does not drink, I have perfected how to have sober fun surrounded by drunk people.