Perhaps the biggest flaw of human beings is how we take things for granted. This Thanksgiving season, I challenge you to think about what you truly should be thankful for.
1. Oxygen
Being able to inhale and exhale is a blessing that most people forget about. Close your eyes and take a minute to recognize your breath.
2. Health
Humans need to be aware that their bodies are more important than we think they are. We are lucky to have a body that can physically accomplish our goals. Mental health is important as well. Take time to figure out what is going on inside of you and practice getting better. Meditation can be essential to recognizing health as a blessing.
3. Water
Water is the purest element in the world. Humans need water to survive and most people drink it without even thinking of its importance. Next time you take a sip of fresh, clean water be happy to have it.
4. Food
Food is greatly appreciated on Thanksgiving, but we should be thankful to eat all the time. Blessing the food on your plate every time you eat is a good way to practice mindfulness.
5. Shelter
If you have a roof over your head, you should take a minute to smile about it. There are people around the world who don't have shelter. If you are lucky enough to be inside, you should note it.
6. Family and friends
We are social beings and need other people to be happy. Friends and families are essential to our survival.
7. Opportunities
A lot of people don't realize the opportunities we have are a blessing. If you have a job, the opportunity to go to college or even simply the opportunity to walk down the street and get a coffee, you are lucky.
8. Emotions
We should be thankful that we can feel anything at all. Without emotion, human's would be robots. The feelings inside of us make us human. Even the negative emotions should be noted because without pain there would be no pleasure.
9. Music
After all, music is the universal language. Music has the ability to save people despite the troubles going on in their lives. It also has the ability to unite people.
10. Existence
Simply being alive is a gift. It is miraculous that we live in a perfectly suitable environment in the solar system perfectly close to the sun to provide warmth for us and far enough to not burn us up.
Being thankful for the little things is important to maintain balance. We should bless all things all the time, not just our food on Thanksgiving Day.