When going to a large university you learn to accept the good and the bad. You get to meet tons of new people, experience great opportunities, and for some step out of your comfort zone. While all of this makes people happy to go to a big school there are a few things that you may wish you didn't have to deal with.
1. Crowded...everything.
Dining halls, libraries, parking lots, the line for coffee. There are always thousands of people on campus at any given time and they all seem to do the same thing at the same time as you.
2. You have been personally victimized by construction.
Your driving route, walking route, or backwards sleeping schedule has been interrupted by your universities constant improvements. They are always tearing something down and replacing it with something new.
3. Never getting the class you want/need.
That required class has been in your shopping cart for about 3 weeks but you're only a Sophomore so you only get whatever the Seniors didn't need.
4. 300 person lectures.
Remember your first baby bio class when you realized this wasn't the class to ask questions or answer them for that matter.
5. Graduate students as your professor.
This could also be a plus depending on how you look at it. Your professor probably has cancelled a class because they have 3 research papers due in a day but they also get your struggles and are usually willing to work with you.
6. Not knowing your professor.
It's a month into the semester but you haven't had even a word with your professor, probably because your class size is too big.
7. Administrative obstacles.
Having to get something signed by 10 people you didn't even know existed just so you can drop your math class.
8. Recognizing less and less people as you get older.
By the time you are a senior you have no idea what's going on anymore.
9. Culture shock.
Transitioning from a small town and a small high school to a large campus life can be a lot for people and sometimes they don't make it past Freshmen year but the key is to find a balance with your academic goals.
10. Having numbers saved as weird things in your phone.
Hold on guys "boy with blonde hair (chem)" is calling one sec.