Coming home from college is almost like coming home from a long, hard, space voyage. Balancing the two very different lifestyles is hard and almost tiresome. Here are 10 things that college students face when coming home from college for the Summer:
1. Running into people you know
Yeah, you know Mom’s friend from the book club? She’s always at that one park walking or at your grocery stores, so when you're running errands for your mom, you have to say hi and have that really awkward small talk about “how well” you’re doing in college.
2. Attending graduation
You want to say hi to all your old friends in high school, a small reunion, but also all the little ones finally graduating. However, you always forget that you have to run into the teachers and principles that either liked you or disliked you throughout your career in high school. Oh wait, is that your ex by your ex-best friend? Shoot. That’s awkward.
3. Having a curfew
Ah, the smell of freedom so easily snatched away from you as your parents expect you to be home exactly at 12 am sharp because they are afraid of you doing anything stupid knowing full well you do stupid things at college. I guess if you are under their roof the rules still apply.
4. Not partying on the Weekends
I expected this since frats are not a thing in the real world and as freshmen, you are still too young to go out clubbing. You start to feel bored like yeah, I think it’s time to get my shit together and maybe get that summer body I’ve wanted
5. All the rest of your old friends are on the Quarter System
Your mom starts nagging you to even get out the house and to stop napping. The boredom and loneliness seep in as you constantly moan about missing your college friends. Summer will pick up, but in the beginning why are all my friends from home still finishing up their second round of midterms?! COME HOME.
6. Blending old friends and new friends
How do I act the same with them? High school me is no longer the “new” me!
7. Hiding all your “Bad Stuff” from your parents
It’s back to high school again where you have to hide all the bad stuff from your parents, and you can bet that if they find it your ass will get beat.
8. Running into your ex
It’s time to work on that summer body of yours so you sign up for the local gym. You start working out, and next thing you know you see that horrible cheating person you never wanted to see. You awkwardly smile, but really on the inside, you want to choke them. It’s a public place, so you just walk in opposite directions, hoping to not run into each other again.
9. You get punished for being sick
That cough and sneeze that never went away have become a huge problem with the mother. She starts to think that you don’t take care of yourself and it’s because of partying. She is 100% correct, but hey you need to get through the nagging in tortured silence.