You have a whole month off after a long semester, you no longer live right next to all of your friends, and there is no such thing as winter break homework in the college world. So what is there to do? Sure, nothing sounds great after a long semester, however, there are some things you can do to keep yourself occupied.
See if you can pick up a few weeks at a job.
If you have previously worked somewhere before school, call them up and ask if you can work for a couple weeks. Or, see if anyone needs a date-night babysitter.
Read a book.
Seriously, once you get into a good book, time literally flies. When you're done, you'll most likely want to read more.
Start a new show on Netflix.
This probably isn't the healthiest thing to do, but if you're like me and have had absolutely no time to watch your Netflix shows in school, this is a perfect time to catch up.
Learn a new language.
Hey, why not challenge yourself a little! You have all this time, and you never know where this could take you!
Start working out.
While I'm not a firm believer in New Year's resolutions, I do believe that if you have a plethora of time to do nothing, that there is no better time to start developing healthy habits!
Learn to play an instrument.
I (no joke) learned a song on piano in less than four hours one day when I had nothing to do. I don't even read notes! Things like this will certainly keep you busy, and learning to do something new feels awesome!
Develop a habit of writing in cursive.
I did this my first month of college as a horrible cursive writer, and after practicing, all of my notes were in cursive. It looks beautiful, more professional, and is just a great thing to know how to do.
Learn how to cook.
Cooking is an extremely important skill to know. Never a bad time to start learning!
Reorganize your closet.
If you're like me, you packed way more than you needed to bring to school. Take a look around and see what you don't need. It's always good to declutter!
Start planning for next semester.
Start buying your school supplies now, make your folders all cute, or do whatever organizing techniques you usually do. Start memorizing your class schedule and marking your calendars and planners. You want to go into next semester completely ready and prepared!
There are plenty of things you can do with your time, but I wish you all a safe and happy winter break!