Every lazy person dreads one activity more than anything -- going to the gym. We constantly give ourselves and other people excuses as to why we're not being active. Truth is, we shouldn't have to make up excuses! There are so many other ways to spend our time that are clearly more productive than working out. Here are 11 things you can do that are arguably better than going to the gym.
1. Take a nap.
2. Eat that cookie you've been staring at all day.
3. Binge watch your favorite shows on Netflix.
4. Stalk that hot guy you saw on campus the other day.
5. Listen to throwback music.
6. Make fun of other people for actually going to the gym.
7. Diagnose yourself with random diseases on WebMD.
8. Online shop for expensive clothes you'll never actually buy.
9. Record yourself singing on Photo Booth, and then watch it and delete it.
10. Have a dance party by yourself.
11. Take another nap.
Everyone knows you'll be much happier doing one of these activities than you would be if you were working out at the gym.