10 Things You Absolutely Must Do to Care for Your Heart
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10 Things You Absolutely Must Do to Care for Your Heart

A lot of people continue to ignore clear signs that they are suffering from heart problems, and that's a big issue. It's important for you to make sure that you care for your heart and understand the signs that your body is sending. A lot of people don't, and this causes a problem.

10 Things You Absolutely Must Do to Care for Your Heart

Caring for the heart is not just a "task" of patients who have been diagnosed with a heart condition. Actually, it becomes a matter that concerns every person. Your heart is one of the strongest muscles in the body, and it is your responsibility to take care of it. Dr. Francois Sestier is a cardiologist and a specialist in medico-legal and insurance medicine, who firmly believes that problems associated with the heart can be avoided if a person cares for it properly. Sestier studied medicine in Nancy, France. He worked as a cardiologist from 1975 till 1998 and still has an active practice. There are some important things that all cardiologists agree upon.

As Dr. Sestier has commented on other occasions, good habits of life are the key to enjoy well-being. For example, if you eat well, your body will receive what it needs to function properly. This translates, among many things, into a healthy and strong heart.

Take care of the heart in 10 steps

Among the main guidelines for caring for the heart and maintaining good heart health, we find the reduction in salt and sugar consumption, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Additionally, the importance of eliminating tobacco and alcohol consumption is often emphasized.

Another recommendation that is always repeated is that you exercise regularly since with this simple practice, many health problems can be avoided, especially all that have to do with this particular organ. But, most people don't really focus on these things at all. They are more concerned with changes in their lifestyle than to worry about such things. It's important for you to make sure that you take these things seriously.

A lot of people continue to ignore clear signs that they are suffering from heart problems, and that's a big issue. It's important for you to make sure that you care for your heart and understand the signs that your body is sending. A lot of people don't, and this causes a problem. The heart attack is often caused after the body continues sending various signs which are fully ignored. If you notice the shortening of breath at any time, you should consider going to your cardiologist. It's important that you take these things into account to care for your heart health.

If you have any concerns, consult your doctor. The doctor can always guide you and give you the best advice for your case.

1. Reduce salt and sugar consumption

One of the most important recommendations is to consume the minimum amount of salt possible since abuse causes an increase in blood pressure. This can cause heart attacks since the salt causes the loss of elasticity of the arteries causing them to become hard and hinder the normal functioning of the heart.

Exaggerated sugar consumption is also dangerous, since the body is not trained to receive and assimilate the excesses of this product, so it transforms it into fat, causing obesity.

2. Avoid animal fats

Fats are necessary for the organism, but in their fair measure and choosing those that are healthy, such as those of plant origin, the fats that come from animals should be consumed in moderation.

Milk and its derivatives, without skimming, saturated fats containing sausages, sauces, and all fried foods, are, in general, the ones that cause the most heart diseases. For this reason, it is necessary to become aware of this and start using those healthiest fats.

3. Eat more bluefish than red meat

To take care of your heart, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of red meat and, instead, eat bluefish at least 2 or more times a week, in addition to avocado and nuts.

The omega 3 fatty acids found in large quantities in bluefish, such as tuna, salmon, sardine, or mackerel, among others, are very important to prevent heart disease, maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and organs as important as the brain.

4. Prefer steamed foods over fried foods

Foods that are steamed, grilled, and baked are much healthier and more nutritious than those that are prepared by fried or stewed.

When food and, especially vegetables, are steamed, they retain all the nutritional properties, taste, and color, which is essential to prevent many cardiovascular system problems.

5. Eat more vegetables and fruits and fewer treats

All people, in general, are recommended daily consumption of abundant fruits and vegetables, as they are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which favor the proper functioning of the heart.

Among the most recommended fruits, we have the apple, the tomatoes, and the banana, although in general, all the fruits give us these nutrients in greater or lesser quantity.

6. Prefer whole grains

Instead of consuming refined flours, the most advisable thing is to resort to whole grains, since in addition to fiber, they provide other nutrients capable of providing multiple for health.

7. Eliminate tobacco and alcohol

As for tobacco, components such as nicotine and carbon monoxide can dangerously increase heart rate, since the quantity and quality of oxygen that goes to all body systems is decreased.

8. Exercise daily

Physical activity is one of the best ways to take care of our body, and promote our cardiovascular health. According to the WHO, it is advisable to do at least half an hour of exercise a day.

9. Ride a bike

Performing at least 30 minutes or one hour of daily exercise is really important to maintain a good health of the heart and the entire circulatory system.

Among the most recommended activities are cycling, swimming, yoga, and aerobic exercises. Remember that these should be done moderately, but continuously.

10. Maintain adequate medical control

It is important to visit the specialist at least once a year since it is essential to maintain a medical check to know the state in which all the body's systems are.

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