I came to college to become a writer. Before you even say it, I know what you're thinking. You're probably wondering why of all majors I chose something such as journalism? Well, I love to write and honestly, math and science are not my fortes by any means. So, let me beat you to the punchline. Trust me I've heard every comeback or comment you're probably thinking of.
1. Your major is so easy.
Yeah, my major may not be bioengineering or pre-law but that doesn't mean its a cake walk. Yeah, my classes involve writing but that doesn't meant tracking down sources for an article due in 24 hours or taking a class solely on grammar is easy.
2. Why would you pick that? You're not gonna make any money with it.
Why would I pick a job where I'm miserable and sit behind a desk all day just to bring in a little more money? I've got one life to live and I'm sure as hell not going to waste it on a job that doesn't fulfill me. Also, if I want money, why don't I just marry rich?
3. Is that your real job?
No, I do this for fun. Yes, this is my real job why else would I be doing it?
4. That's a dying field — who even reads anymore?
Let me correct you — physical newspapers are dying but that does not mean the entire journalism career is on the verge of extinction. News is forever, no matter the form.
5. Can you write about me?
First off, if you're going to write about someone you change the name (that's the beauty of writing it's literally the perfect tool to rant). Secondly, you can't always control what you right- inspirations strikes in the weirdest way, spooning feeding us ideas doesn't always work.
6. Are you writing a novel?
Not every writer aspires to become a novelist. It's hard, J.K. Rowling got rejected so many times, so even if I did you wouldn't be hearing it for awhile. Also, if it becomes a best seller don't think you're taking credit- I didn't miraculously realize I should write a novel because you told me to.
7. Hasn't someone written about that already?
Writing has been around for eons, there's no way paths couldn't intertwine. At the end of the day, we all write about the same things we just have different voices and different ways of going about it. We're moochers and we grow from each other.
8. Can you write my paper for me?
HA! That's a good one. I'm a human, not a word machine. And don't try to justify that I love writing because honestly I do, but not about medieval history or whatever required social science class you're forced to take. Been there, done that.
9. Can you read this thing I wrote?
Once or twice, maybe. Just know that just because I like to write that does not qualify me as an expert by any means- I gave horrible feedback sometimes, it happens.
10. Writing must be easy for you
I'm good at writing, you're good at x,y,z...that's how it goes in life. You can become good at anything with some practice.
Maya Angelou once said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."
Take her advice, write from your heart and never hold in. Write despite what people say, someday you'll realize it never really mattered anyway.