As one semester passes and another begins, it makes you realize how fast your college years really do fly by. Some just can't wait to be on their own and others, like me, love hearing the sound of their parents' voice on the phone. These four years are ones that should not be taken for granted.
1. Pick your jacket wisely.
2. The Freshman 15 is real.
3. If you can avoid Bascom Hill, do it.
Take University to Charter—you can thank me later.
4. We live up to the hype as the #1 party school.
5. Branch out.
Open your dorm room door once in a while.
6. Pulling an all-nighter during midterms/finals is normal.
7. Start to like caffeine.
8. You don't need those season tickets.
So feel free to stay in bed past 7:00 a.m. that day.
9. Freedom has its pros & cons.
No curfew? Awesome. Nobody to do my laundry? Yikes.