More often than not I find myself apologizing for EVERYTHING. Even things that aren't my fault or things that I cannot help. I don't know about you but I am tired of always apologizing even if it's not my fault. So let's start living unapologetically ourselves. With every life change you have to start small and so here's my list of 10 things I will never be sorry for again and you shouldn't be either. Sorry NOT sorry.
1. Being a woman
(Or being any sex/gender for that matter.) I was born this way and chose to be this. I will not apologize for the anatomy of my body. Why should I?
2. Having standards
Whether they are low or high we all need standards. These can be standards we hold ourselves to, how we expect to live life or even standards of who we want to be with. Standards are a good thing, so set a bar and set it wherever you want!
3. Wanting to travel
There is too much of this world to just stay in a small town the rest of our lives. I will not apologize for traveling and wanting to see as much as I can before I die. I will, however, invite copilots and passengers to join me.
4. Being neat and organized
Sorry not sorry that I like to live in a clean space. Too much mess clutters my mind and causes me to be unable to focus. I need a clear mind in order to get things done.
5. Having goals and not letting anything stop me from achieving them
Oh, this is a personal favorite. Stop making people apologize for their goals even if it doesn't meet your standards for where their goals should be. Let me choose my goals because they won't affect you. I won't let anyone stop them because that what determination is.
6. Being a feminist
Let's start off by saying feminism is NOT a bad thing. Feminism is literally wanting equal treatment of the genders. I want our daughters and sons to go to school together and work together making the same amount of money. I want equality for ALL genders, not women over men or men over women, and that is something I don't believe in apologizing for.
7. Wanting or not wanting children
Speaking of children, let's talk about motherhood (or fatherhood). Stop forcing people to have children as soon as they are married. Stop pushing women to get married so they can have babies because their "biological clock is ticking". Let people have kids if they want or avoid parenthood altogether. Some days I really want kids and other days the idea terrifies me. Either way, it is my choice and I won't apologize for whatever I end up choosing.
8. Wanting to settle down (or not wanting to settle down)
I am in a relationship in my freshman year of college. I know freshmen in college who have never dated a single person. I know people who want to sleep around as much as they can in the next four years with no intention of slowing down. As long as everyone participating is being safe then why apologize? Stop making people feel bad for marrying young or not marrying at all. Stop apologizing for what makes you happy.
9. Majoring in whatever I choose to do
If one more person gives me that pity look when I say that I am an education major I am going to flip. I refuse to apologize for choosing to major in whatever I want. Be female accountants or female doctors, or male nurses and male education majors. Major in what makes you happy and don't apologize for choosing happiness.
10. Being myself
No matter what I choose in life I am choosing for myself. I choose to wake up and get dressed in whatever I choose. This is my life and I might slip and fall from time to time, but I won't apologize to anyone for choosing my own happiness in being myself. Sorry NOT sorry.