10 Things To Do With Crappy Gifts | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things To Do With Crappy Gifts

For the people who can't stand to look at useless gifts anymore.

10 Things To Do With Crappy Gifts
Huffington Post

Today I was laying in bed watching my cats play with a key chain someone gave me once from a vacation they went on. I thought to myself, "Wow! Someone is actually making use of this useless key chain." Let's be honest, I wasn't the one who went to the Bahamas. Why would I want to display somewhere that I've never been on my key chain?

The whole key chain situation made me think about the idea of regifting. Whenever people recieve gifts they don't partically like or have a use for, they usually just regift them to someone else. This is a pretty solid idea, but I was also thinking of other things we could do with the gifts. Just because I don't want to put the talking, stuffed fish on my wall does not mean that I don't appricate it. I always cherish when someone gets me a gift, but sometimes it seems like the person just doesn't really know me. If you've ever gotten a gift that you just don't know what to do with, here's a pretty random list of 10 suggestions that just might be the answers you are looking for.

1. Regift them.

This is notably the most obvious and popular option. You take the crappy gift to the back of your closet, and it stays there until you need a gift for someone you could care less about. It's also a nice option for when you're broke. Just don't regift it to the person who gave it to you to begin with.

2. Give them to your pets.

This is one of my personal favorites. My cats love anything from the stuffed animal my ex gave me to the Dora the Explorer bouncy ball my friend gave me. They love store bought and handmade crappy gifts. Currently, they're enjoying the random bobble head I was given at Christmas a few years ago. They don't even mind if it's ugly, stupid or flat out crap.

3. Use them to start a bonfire.

One of the best feelings in the world comes when you watch something you hate burn. (Except people. Please don't set anyone on fire.) It's not cool to set Joey on fire, but you can torch the pair of socks and cheap book he got you. It's almost like his gift is mocking you anyway. Let's be honest, he only got you something because it was Christmas, and he didn't want to be a Scrooge.

4. Donate them to Goodwill.

If you're at the "I want this out of my house by tomorrow" stage, this is the option for you. It's an easy way to get rid of stuff, and feel good about where it ended up. All you do is fill up your car, pull up to your local Goodwill and unload. It's really simple.

5. Drop on over to visit your neighbor and give them the crappy gift.

It's kind of like regifting but with tons of advantages. Your neighbor will feel special that you got them something, you get to get rid of it and you don't have to go very far. It's a win-win situation. Plus, you'll be in good graces with your neighbor now. I like to think of it as the baked goods of the future.

6. Set it on the curb by your mailbox.

Attach a giant "FREE" sign and it'll be gone by the end of the week. I cannot promise that someone besides your garbage man will take it, however. At least this way it is out of your house, and hopefully someone who really wanted it/could use it took it.

7. Find different uses for them.

Turn that ugly, rooster kitchen towel your great aunt gave you into a car drying towel. Instead of having to keep it on display in your kitchen, you can now keep it hidden away in your garage. It's not a complete loss of a gift after all. There of tons of way to reuse all types of gifts. It's time to get creative.

8. Have a yard/garage sale.

This option is really only good if it's summer, but I guess you could try having a winter sale. This is also a way for you to make some cash. You can literally sell your entire regifting closet to some strangers. Then you can get yourself a sweater that you'd actually wear.

9. White elephant.

If it's around Christmas time at work, school, church, etc. this is the perfect option. White elephant and Secret Santa are anonymous gift giving "games" coworkers and friends play. If you're lucky enough to draw the most annoying coworkers name, then you're in luck. Gift them something you hate and they'll never know it was you.

10. Trash can.

When you've exhausted all other options, this is the way to go. Some gifts are just so awful you don't know what to do with them. The giver had good intentions and you're thankful, but the gift is not something anyone could enjoy.

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