10 Things I Wish I Knew As A Rising High School Senior | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things I Wish I Knew As A Rising High School Senior

Graduation will come by faster than you realize.

10 Things I Wish I Knew As A Rising High School Senior

Your senior year of high school commemorates countless milestones: becoming legal, applying for colleges, and working to name a few. However, there are a few details that I wish I knew before entering my last year that would have ultimately better prepared me for what was ahead. Nevertheless, I have compiled a list of what all rising seniors must know before the school year begins.

1. It's harder than junior year.

Everyone and their mothers warn you that junior year is the toughest of your high school career. But, if you are serious about your plans after graduation, senior year is far worse. Not only may you have to retake standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT in the fall, but the Common Application opens up as early as that summer, which causes stress levels to rise before school even starts. Even after you submit your college applications, the anxiety of decision letters looms in the months after. Be prepared for a mental uphill battle.

2. The college application process is gruesome.

Common Application essays, supplementary essays, extracurricular activities, teacher recommendations, transcripts, GPAs, class rankings, SAT/ACT scores, AP exam scores, financial aid...the list goes on.

3. This is the last time you'll be attending the same school as most of your friends.

Spend every last moment with your high school friends. Plan ahead so that you can go off-campus with your friends, even though you have that physics quiz in fourth period. Attend sporting games and dances to show your school spirit one last time because you won't get the opportunity again with the exact same people.

4. Study for AP exams.

By April, aka "AP exam study cram month" for high schoolers, seniors have received their decision letters and probably have a good idea about what school they'll be attending in the fall. However, please don't slip into the abyss that is senioritis just yet. AP exam scores, if high enough, will help you gain credit hours in college which means fewer classes to take. Fewer classes = more sleep. It's a win-win situation. You'll thank yourself later.

5. Life will happen, and you have to let it.

You'll make mistakes that you'll regret. The year will be filled with bumps in the road, more than most. Take a deep breath and know that this storm will pass eventually, and better days are in store for you.

6. You'll have much more responsibility.

Now that you'll soon be eighteen, it means you'll be an ~adult~ with grown-up responsibilities. Leadership opportunities and your first job will only be the start of your newfound independence. But don't worry, you'll enjoy it, as well.

7. Don't compare yourself to others.

It will be so tempting to doubt yourself and your accomplishments when you see classmates getting into amazing universities with full-rides. However, don't let yourself fall into that trap and remember the hard work you put into getting to where you are right now.

8. High school drama won't matter in a few months.

The teacher that ratted you out, the ex-friend that you always see in the hallways, the douche you never want to see again, none of them will matter to you come June. The horrid high school memories will fade into the past as you start a new chapter of your life. Those who make an effort to stay in your life, will, and that's that.

9. Senior year is terrifyingly busy.

As I mentioned before, even the summer before senior year is packed with senior pictures, college applications, and ACT preparation. Once school starts, your classes, extracurricular activities, and/or job will take up most of your time - and you still need to finish your Common Application essay. After winter break, you'll be able to rest easy for a while until spring rolls around again.

10. You will exit high school a stronger person than the one you entered.

After getting through the drama, that awkward class (you know which one I'm talking about), the standardized tests, the college application process, prom season, and everything in-between, you're ready to leave grade school behind. The road ahead is unclear, frightening, but all the while, enticing.

Whatever your post graduation plans are, remember the journey you took over the last four years, and the memories you made along the way. Because in the end, you'll be starting the new year at the bottom of the food chain once again.

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