10 Things I Wish I Could Tell 17 Year Old Me | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things I Wish I Could Tell 17 Year Old Me

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell 17 Year Old Me

We all seem to think we know everything when we're in high school, everyone thinks they know just who they are and how they fit in, we never stop to think that maybe we don't know as much as we think we do. At 17, I thought I had everything figured out, these are a few things I wish I could tell the girl who thought she knew it all.

1. Some people deserve to be cut out of your life and that's okay.

We've all been there, whether it be an ex best friend or old boyfriend, we've all had someone we had to cut out of our life because they just didn't deserve to be in it anymore. I just want to remind you that it's alright and it's nothing you should feel bad about. People change and grow and sometimes there just isn't room for certain people in your life anymore.

2. Confidence is everything.

"Fake it till you make it" One of my biggest regrets is never having confidence in anything I did when i was 17, I was so nervous about looking stupid, and it stopped me from doing some of the things I wish I could've. I wish I realized how little the opinions of others really mattered. Embrace the things you love. Don’t apologize for liking the things that make you happy.

3. The boy you’re trying so hard to impress will mean nothing to you in a year.

This could not be any more true. It's silly how much effort you put into a "crush" in high school. looking back now on the boys I thought I was obsessed with when I was 17 makes me laugh. I wish i hadn't spent so much time focusing on stupid boys instead of focusing on myself.

4. No one will remember if you wore $100 dollar jeans or sweatpants

Look back at the clothes you wore a few years ago, I feel like we all think the same thing "what was thinking?" Everything that you wear is going to look ridiculous in three years anyways so wear whatever you want, no one's going to remember the one day you looked bad except for you, don't let clothing have such an influence on your mood.

5. Most of the things you learned in high school will be useless to you in college.

No I'm serious, ask me how many times I've used the quadratic equation in college, or how often Othello comes up in conversation. It's ridiculous how much useless information we're taught. Don't stress if you get a bad grade on you History test, or you

6. None of this will matter in 2 years.

No ones going to remember whether you were the most popular kid in school, or that awful outfit you wore that one time, or if you got A's in every subject. You're not going to go into a job interviewed and be grilled about the that test you took in economics. The point is that none of this is really going to matter in a few years so stop stressing and just live.

7. Your mom can spot a fake friend well before you can.

If your mom's anything like mine, she's going to have a lot of judgements when it come down to who you're friends with. They can be your best friend in the world, but if they don't have mom's approval there's a pretty good chance its not going to last too long. Trust your mom's judgement

8. Don't hold grudges over little things

My mom always used to tell me to stop living life with a chip on my shoulder, but I never took her warnings to heart, I spent so much time holding grudges over the wrongs that had been done to me, I didn't realize how much easier life is if you just let things go.

9. Stop comparing yourself to others.

It's absurd how everything in high school is seen as such a competition when you're in high school, but being different from someone doesn't mean you're any better or worse."Flowers are pretty but so are Christmas lights and they look nothing alike"

10. Prom is not the “best night of your life,” but go anyways.

Trust me when I say you will regret it if you don’t. Even if you don't have a date go anyway. Go for the pictures, for the dress, for the makeup and the music. There are a hundred reasons you should go, don't let something as silly as a date be the one reason you don't.

"One day, you're 17 and you're planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life." -- One Tree Hill

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